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Started by #418177 at 12,Jan,15 03:31
is it weird to shoot far if you have low hanging balls?

Similar topics: 1.Unshaved lowhangers,and pubes  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 13,Jan,15 16:23 other posts of spermkiss 
What an interesting question! If this is an area that has not been investigated, are there any SYD members who'd like to join me in researching this matter? We could recruit two or three thousand men whose balls ranged from the high and tight to the lowest of the low hangers and everywhere in between. Then we could watch them bring themselves to climax and measure how far they shoot. Does this sound like a fun job or what?

And Mr jameschris, since you have a nice pair of low hangers, you can be our first recruit. Start by posting a jack off video on this site and show us how far you shoot.

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