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Started by routemaster at 01,Feb,15 11:44  other posts of routemaster
More sad news from the entertainment world. It has been announced that the British stage and t.v. actress Geraldine McEwan passed away on Friday (30.1.15) at the age of 82. As well as her varied stage work, she is probably best known for following in the footsteps of several renowned actresses to have played Dame Agatha Christie's female spinster sleuth "Miss Marple" (Margaret Rutherford, Joan Hickson, Julia McKenzie) and played the lead role in a t.v. serialised version of "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" several years ago now. She will be sadly missed. R.I.P. Geraldine

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By routemaster at 01,Feb,15 11:47 other posts of routemaster 
Actually, I think Julia may have played "Miss Marple" AFTER Geraldine but I may be wrong on that. Someone will hopefully either confirm or correct me.

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