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self suck

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Started by #48641 at 16,Jan,10 04:02
I love to suck my own cock, was wondering how many others can and enjoy it. Also wheather you can or not you think its hot?
I am working on getting a pic posted so all can enjoy.

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New Comment

By #12790 at 01,May,10 07:34
I can selfsuck myself pretty easily, but what I'm focusing on these days is to self-eat my asshole, but that's hard.
By spermkiss at 11,May,10 00:07 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, if you can't manage, I'll do it for you.

By #38932 at 02,May,10 22:17
I was able to lick my entire dick head when I was 16, but it was very painful in my neck, I probably can't anymore though... :/

By #59212 at 20,Apr,10 06:18
[deleted image]

By #23212 at 17,Jan,10 02:53
Like many others, I could when I was much younger, but not for some time now, damn. Your pics are great, and cause great envy!! Do you cum while sucking? Thanks for posting your pics, and hope to see more soon, please--as yes, I find it very hot!

By #41653 at 16,Jan,10 22:34
I have tried numerous times but can't get close to the head or anything. Only ben having the precum drip on my face an mouth an shoot over myself but I want the cock in my mout.. any suggestions on how id be able to get the head or even the whole thing close to an in my mouth?
By #48641 at 17,Jan,10 00:07
check out the position in my pics

By #17503 at 16,Jan,10 04:29
Once or twice when I was young and fit I was able to get the head in my mouth.
No longer, dammit. I envy those who can.
By #48641 at 16,Jan,10 04:48
just posted a couple, didn't have time to shave but it still tasted great

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