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Panties and dildo story.

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Started by #124456 at 29,Mar,15 02:55
So i took some panties from my mom, and i bought a dildo. Well one day i was out and my mom just so happened to clean my room. i had 2 pairs of panties a dildo and anal lube in my drawer. I came home and my room was clean, 2 days later i go to grab the panties and dildo and its not there. I checked in their drawers and cant find it. Im currently 21 and yes still live with my parents. But do you guys think this is hot? or by any chance what should i do, or where should i look?

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New Comment

By #485312 at 10,Aug,15 07:06
better look thru your mums undie drawers again and check the bottom of the cabinet too, you might be able to 'borrow' one of hers till she's finished with it *lix*
By leopoldij at 10,Aug,15 20:10 other posts of leopoldij 
This must be the same guy who had posted this or similar fake stories many times before.

By leopoldij at 10,Aug,15 20:11 other posts of leopoldij 
He's looking for attention. Why can't he masturbate in the same way that the rest of us do? Why does he have to invent such nonsense?
By #485312 at 11,Aug,15 00:02
its his fantasy, he's still waiting for them to disappear and gets a kick out of the thought of someone finding out about his little s3cr3t, floats his boat, wait till grandma comes over and goes thru his mums drawers, and pa catches her, and the dog grabs the dildo and runs down the street *lix*

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