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A lost bet

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Started by #493856 at 12,Jul,15 14:38
I am only on this website as a result of a lost bet on a tennis match. I agreed that if I lost I would appear on the internet sans panties. Well here I am. I was very nervous and not very happy about it but now I find it quite exciting. We have another bet on the Wimbleton final. If I lose I have to dance naked for 10 minutes in front of 2 of his friends. Almost hope I lose.

Has anybody else any experience of losing a bet with sexual consequences. Would love to hear xx

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New Comment

By shackles at 13,Jul,15 13:15 other posts of shackles 
Her pics and youtube are gone. Wish she would have left them up longer than a day! Sorry I missed out.

By #484887 at 12,Jul,15 17:07
sexy Lady ...loose all possible bets ..u will experience all horniness and lovely comments on your actions .... we all love to see here
By bella! at 12,Jul,15 19:34 other posts of bella! 
Oh, dannyS, that's wonderful encouragement! Ms pandora, it's wonderful to have you here and glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself! Once your wager has been fulfilled, I hope you decide to stay. You've teased the membership with the stakes involved in the Wimbledon final, if you lose, maybe you can share a picture or a short video with your friends and admirers and if you win, you can always consider a bottomless victory dance! It will be a win-win for all!

Adult Discussion Forum