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Started by #57759 at 23,Jul,15 17:26
At what age was your mound completely covered in pubic hairs

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By bella! at 23,Jul,15 21:09 other posts of bella! 
Now this is a Dr. Gyno question!
By #491031 at 23,Jul,15 23:09
I would have pointed that out, too, but I am not a woman, and didn't want to break the "women only" rule. I also would have asked: Do the pubic hairs have to be her own, or could she have borrowed some from a friend?
By bella! at 24,Jul,15 01:47 other posts of bella! 

Doctor, TheUnicorn has a valid concern, must the pubic hair be ones own or can it be borrowed?
By #57759 at 24,Jul,15 18:39
for scientific reasons they should grown out of her own mound.
By bella! at 26,Jul,15 21:47 other posts of bella! 
Will you be posting your findings once all the data is gathered and reviewed?

By lilbuttlvr at 26,Jul,15 18:36 other posts of lilbuttlvr 

By #491031 at 24,Jul,15 00:32
As a gynecologist, shouldn't you already have a rough idea about what age range this occurs in, Doc?

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