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How much can you take

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Started by #467958 at 28,Jul,15 09:21
I want to know how much you can fit in you ass. I can get 11" deep and 1" round. The thickest i can take is 2.2" and 8" long

New Comment

By #363802 at 13,Aug,17 15:13
9" and THICK was the biggest I ever had!
By t-rex at 13,Aug,17 15:50 other posts of t-rex 

By #505990 at 13,Aug,17 14:56
Black, over 12, beer can thick, balls deep, and took whole load!

By #503815 at 13,Aug,17 11:16
The biggest I've ever had was over 9". He went balls deep inside me as his wife watched on.

By #536462 at 13,Aug,17 06:36
I can take 8.I want to go bigger

By #485312 at 28,Jul,15 12:55
great stats for a young fella, keep up the good work *lix*

Adult Discussion Forum