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gorgeous red heads

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Started by #204766 at 19,Sep,15 23:42
Am I the only one that has a thing for red head women

Similar topics: 1.do you like cocks with big heads?   2.TATTOO COCK HEADS   3.black cocks with pink heads   4.Nice cockheads (glans)   5.Big hard sexy suckable cock heads that make us hard and excited !!!  

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By bella! at 20,Sep,15 00:32 other posts of bella! 
Interesting topic!

When I was a young girl, about 10 or 11 years old, my best friend's mother was a red head with the most amazing emerald green eyes! At that time, I thought she was the most beautiful "real woman" I had ever seen so I can understand your attraction. Thinking back to that time, I bet she colored her hair because my friend and her **** both had mousey blonde hair.

On the flip side, red headed guys really don't do it for me unless their red hair is a deeper shade.
By #204766 at 20,Sep,15 01:19
Agreed red head blokes no but red head women yes
By bella! at 20,Sep,15 01:31 other posts of bella! 
Prince Harry is a cutie!

As a rule, true red heads have a very pale and creamy complexion which women can rock. There's something about a pale guy that can almost translate into "sickly" looking.

My bruther-in-law and his twin bruther are both red heads and strangely, they both tan. They get a mess of freckles when they're out in the sun, but they tan!

By #443664 at 20,Sep,15 00:26
Lucy Vixen and Christina Hendricks are perfection
By #204766 at 20,Sep,15 01:18
Karen Gilan

Adult Discussion Forum