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Started by #490770 at 05,Oct,15 19:57
I'm a gay man that has never done bareback before. Curious about what it is like.

Similar topics: 1.Bareback sex with an older woman : )   2.hung bb top looking for ass to breed   3.Gay porn   4.Bareback   5.Any young boy who love old Man like me  

New Comment

By #463848 at 15,May,19 08:04
With females, bareback was quite definitively the best. The best years for me were after I had a vasectomy.

By foreskinlover52 at 09,May,19 15:32 other posts of foreskinlover52 
The hardest orgasm Ive ever had was bareback
By #535695 at 11,May,19 21:22
Hell yeah, hardest cum ever when I was riding a guys cock cowgurl style.

By leopoldij at 08,May,19 11:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't do it man.
By #275407 at 09,May,19 09:03
I agree with leo
By leopoldij at 09,May,19 18:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Yeah, there's no point in risking anything. What's wrong with cock sucking? Or fucking with a condom? Or a handjob? So many things to choose from... No need for risky activities.
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Deriving pleasure shouldn't put one's life at risk.
By SluttySarah069 at 10,May,19 15:07 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I agree completely - no point in risking your health, life or that of others - the same feeling if you wear a condom as if you don't.
By leopoldij at 10,May,19 17:04 other posts of leopoldij 
Wise words.
But, as I said, even if someone doesn't have the same feeling with a condom,
there are other things one can do.

I personally don't like to cum inside a condom. I find it too restrictive. I like to shoot my cum load freely.

By #574505 at 10,May,19 15:59
Cody I bear back you
By #275407 at 10,May,19 23:21
Jamie, you can anytime
By #574505 at 11,May,19 00:03

By cumjohn at 06,Oct,15 20:18 other posts of cumjohn 
Bareback is the best possible sex. But everyone whos doing it must remember the risks.
By soulpioneer at 25,Feb,17 08:13 other posts of soulpioneer 
definitely! Condoms suck, i prefer all natural RAW sex as Mother Nature intended.

By #294721 at 10,May,19 14:44
True indeed

By #584076 at 09,May,19 10:22
I love bareback...

But yeah... I'm fussy about who gets in me rubber free...

I definitely don't go rawhide with just any rando!

By #545468 at 09,May,19 03:08
Bareback is absolutely the best way to get fucked. Nothing like feeling each inch of that hard cock in your ass, and even better having your guy's cum in you. When I feel my guy cumming inside me, it can get me cumming as well. I can feel each spurt and it feels awesome. But find a clean guy and bareback away.

By #580363 at 08,May,19 11:33
Of course who lets a man use a condom that kind of defeats the purpose I love getting my ass pounded deep and taking a load of sperm and yes I know there's a risk but it's worth taking I meet then online and I take their dick with no rubber

By leopoldij at 25,Feb,17 14:40 other posts of leopoldij 
It's a door to std.
By cumjohn at 26,Feb,17 17:00 other posts of cumjohn 
Maybe, but life is short.

By #294721 at 26,Feb,17 02:38
Love it bare

By #511804 at 25,Feb,17 12:12
Bareback is best done with a committed partner for safety and fun.

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