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Who want compare with me? and if i lose pay one bet for everyone post in this discussion. Max 28 age

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Started by #423172 at 11,Oct,15 06:30
Who want compare with me? and if i lose pay one bet for everyone post in this discussion. Max 28 age. The compare are size of dick.

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New Comment

By #68656 at 16,Oct,15 08:56
Someone was caught out posting web derived images, not the smartest thing to do.
By bella! at 18,Oct,15 04:07 other posts of bella! 
Can you imagine that, JohnS spots a fake and POOF! they're gone!?

I do hope that you and the voting members on the evaluation panel remembered admin's guidelines. The referred member was a longtime and should have been convinced to remove the questionable picture(s) prior to having their profile deleted altogether. According to admin; If it appears later that the member was deleted unjustly - all members who were in favour of the deletion will be deleted and banned from the site.
By #68656 at 18,Oct,15 08:17
The usual crap from the Australian-hat1ng Defender of the Fakes, not worthy of comment from me.
Do they have opticians in that failed place known as Detroit or were they all trashed, if they do then visit one and you would have seen that idiot had a gallery of obviously fake images.
Screw your stupid agenda against me and your role as Defender of the Fakes.
By bella! at 18,Oct,15 10:48 other posts of bella! 
Ha! The "usual crap" from the Adelaidean Asshat!

As usual, something that was "not worthy of comment from me" still received a comment from you. You, your actions are so predictable!

Adult Discussion Forum