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I **** the word 'slut'

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Started by #116569 at 01,Jun,16 00:05
I cant abide the word slut and find it denigrating to women, what do others (men and women) think about this ?

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By #496814 at 01,Jun,16 01:18
Most men are sluts, if not all. It is in essence not demeaning, but used often as such. Especially since men are considered players while showing the same behaviour, i refrain from using the word slut. Although I very rarely use it sarcasticly, when a friend is far from slutty in her behaviour.
By #485312 at 01,Jun,16 05:47
most men would like to be sluts if your definition of the word is giving sex to any and every one without being in a loving relationship with them...slutty behaviour is considered bad but its what men want in a woman...we always used the word to mean something bad, that the woman was loose..dudes love a girl acting like a slut until they move in..than its inappropriate..talk about mixed messages, and they say us women are complicated creatures *lix*

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