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Hitlers ass, or mao Tse tungs

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Started by zzick at 14,Jun,16 02:45  other posts of zzick
Who had the hottest ass!? It's a question for the ages!

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By #509475 at 14,Jun,16 16:02
Hard to say . But I do know this .
Hitler only had one ball . Stalin had two but very small . Himmmler had something simmlar . But Goebble had no ball at all . So there ya go .
By #493135 at 15,Jun,16 12:38
I know 'Hitler, has only got one ball, the other is in the Albert hall, Himmler, had something similar, but poor old Goebbels, has no balls, at all

By #455846 at 17,Jun,16 13:01

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