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Convince me (Piercing)

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Started by #471389 at 05,Jun,15 19:04
So, I am considering getting a hafada piercing and I was wondering if anyone here could offer advice, suggestions, jewelry options, anything really. I've talked with my girlfriend and she's ok with it, and I'm seriously considering doing it. But I wanted some good info first.

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New Comment

By #485312 at 15,Jul,15 14:02
just do it, if you don't like it, you can always pull it out *lix*

By 2pierced at 06,Jun,15 11:32 other posts of 2pierced 
Getting pierced is a highly personal decision that only you can make. If you do decide to get pierced go to a professional piercer, follow the after care and use high quality jewelry.

By jimes104 at 06,Jun,15 03:49 other posts of jimes104 
Well I don't have any down there, but I do recommend going to a piercer who has done plenty of them, uses nothing but the best in jewelry. No crap. It might coast you but It will save your life. If you have some spare time just go the a.p.p. professional piercing page on tumblr, ask them, and they will be more than kind enough to recommend a amazing piercer.

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