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Just curious

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Started by #47548 at 26,Jan,10 14:49
Why do straight guys look at sites like this one and post thier pictures for us men to see?

Similar topics: 1.Curious in watching..   2.I'm new to this   3.Bi curious?   4.bi-curious is a stupid term   5.Bi_Curious  

New Comment

By #46165 at 03,Feb,10 02:16
why not? just like showing off i guess, doesnt really matter whos looking.

By #28707 at 29,Jan,10 15:22
oldbungle, I looked at your pics. Whatever part of want that woman said to you that you may not as yet put behind you, put it behind you now. She was entirely wrong. Also, thank you for your many thoughtful comments in the forum. I don't always entirely agree, but do always find them well worth considering.
By #6568 at 29,Jan,10 17:12
Thank you for the kind comment!......

.........I'm just good at taking snaps

By #6568 at 29,Jan,10 11:45
I'm entirely straight and have never been in the least attracted to another man, but I have got a lot from this site over the last couple of years.

For me it's more about showing than looking, although anything to do with sex is interesting to look at for me,...providing it's not too revolting!

The reason I 'show' here is because when I was young a woman told me my penis was "deformed" and "like something on a butchers slab",...there were other things said too. Had these remarks been hurled as insults I would probably have got over them but they were imparted as ordinary statements and had a massive effect on me which destroyed not only my sexual confidence, such as it was, but also my ordinary self image when dealing with the rest of the world on a daily basis.

In actual fact, intelligencce told me that things were not as bad as she had said,...but in sex it's about our fellings NOT about our thoughts or intellect.

So, by showing here I have been able to finally put much of the damage behind me......

Adult Discussion Forum