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Uncut guys, how do you wash your penis?

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Started by #512291 at 22,Aug,16 00:27
With soap or without soap under foreskin? How often? Soap on the shaft and undercarriage?

I'm just curious because I've restored my foreskin and I've personally noticed if I wash with just water, I have less odor at the end of the day than if I use soap. So, what are your washing habits?

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By #519672 at 16,Dec,16 20:12
soap it up reel it back soap it up and stroke and if in the mood take hard and jerk it off

By hytiger at 28,Aug,16 08:38 other posts of hytiger 
Exactly the same as the rest of my body!

By #323075 at 26,Aug,16 05:09
Only with water and daily

By #496814 at 26,Aug,16 00:27
I haven't got much foreskin, so not that much smegma and dirt left behind on it either. I almost never wash my glans and foreskin with soap, as usually the effect will be more smegma/odour production. I use water and water only on it, very thoroughly especially after sex, masturbation, a very hot day and skipped showerday. Hope it helps.

By #285354 at 25,Aug,16 15:35
If you take pride in your body and how you present yourself, washing under the foreskin is just like washing under your armpits. It needs a thorough daily washing with a deodorant soap. Body parts that are wet, warm and dark are natural homes for bacteria, thus odor. When I hop in the show my cock is usually the first part of my body to wash and it gets the most attention, extra rubbing and tugging.
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By #6568 at 22,Aug,16 09:45
I use a mild soap of shower gell at least once during each day. I pull the hood right back and make sure I clean all the folds of skin and in the sulcus or groove around the glans using my fingers, never a face cloth as that upsets the sensitive membranes.

In hot weather I usually manage to shower again during the day at least once and then use only water and fingers as above. When it's hot I rinse off the head after peeing and sometimes use baby powder to keep the glans and foreskin dry.

Be aware that there should not be either a strong odour or any smegma in just one day......these are caused by proteins in your urine which in turn are caused by your kidneys not being able to function properly and this needs to be sorted out for good health. proteins in urine 'can' be a sign of high b l o o d pressure.

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