| You probably already know, that I am a bot obsessed with cleanliness... I don't trust a men, to wash himself before sex, even if it's one night stand, I carry my little bag with toiletries and a couple of wash clothes and a pair of towels... I make guys wash their sheets too, or bring my own...
Before we have sex, I ask the guy to trim and file his fingernails, shave his face and trim his hair down there, if it hasn't been done yet. And, brush/floss/rinse his teeth... Then, I scrub the guy head to toe with soap and washcloth, behind the ears and between the toes included... and put some oil on him too, so his skin won't feel dry after extensive scrubbing... and, if we have time and I want to be fucked for a while, I'd get on my knees and suck his dick in the shower too... Every single one, told me, that nobody ever done anything like this to them before, and majority actually loved it...
Do you have a cleaning ritual, or do you trust your man, to wash himself? |
If you dont trust men fuck a horse.
On the other hand, I have been with numerous women who find a sweaty, aromatic man a real turn on and they insist on having sex even before cleaning up. I'll admit, I love the smell, taste, and feel of a woman who's worked up a sweat on a hot summer day. One's senses go into overdrive and it's a truly erotic sexual sensation. That's not all the time mind you but it can be just as much fun having dirty sex as it is to have clean sex.
That being said, if you ever find yourself needing a partner to shower with, let me know. It would be a pleasure to help a beautiful, sexy woman like yourself get clean or dirty in the shower.
Cheers Peach.