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Do you wash your partner before sex?

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Started by #301038 at 05,Feb,13 23:52
You probably already know, that I am a bot obsessed with cleanliness... I don't trust a men, to wash himself before sex, even if it's one night stand, I carry my little bag with toiletries and a couple of wash clothes and a pair of towels... I make guys wash their sheets too, or bring my own...

Before we have sex, I ask the guy to trim and file his fingernails, shave his face and trim his hair down there, if it hasn't been done yet. And, brush/floss/rinse his teeth... Then, I scrub the guy head to toe with soap and washcloth, behind the ears and between the toes included... and put some oil on him too, so his skin won't feel dry after extensive scrubbing... and, if we have time and I want to be fucked for a while, I'd get on my knees and suck his dick in the shower too... Every single one, told me, that nobody ever done anything like this to them before, and majority actually loved it...

Do you have a cleaning ritual, or do you trust your man, to wash himself?

Similar topics: 1.how many times do you wash your dick/pussy?   2.Cleanup   3.Personal hygiene?   4.Partner Sex   5.Uncut guys, how do you wash your penis?  

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By #88520 at 07,Feb,13 07:26
Haha I'd love to see the reaction if I started doing that with a girl I brought home.
By #301038 at 07,Feb,13 08:40
Give it a try, see what happens. But if you want to make it look realistic, you got to have spotless house...
By #88520 at 07,Feb,13 10:27
Luring a girl into the shower aint that hard, but if I also hand her a toothbrush I might get slapped
By #301038 at 07,Feb,13 10:29
mouth is pretty dirty, you know that, right? If a guy would hand me a toothbrush in a package, I'd be very happy.
By #88520 at 07,Feb,13 11:29
I like your dirty mouth Peach
By #301038 at 07,Feb,13 15:10
I won't suck a dick, unless I brush my teeth beforehand.
By #268959 at 08,Feb,13 04:29
I love that. Never looked at it that way before. And I'm a bit of a clean freak myself.
By #301038 at 08,Feb,13 06:47
Plus, think about it...when you have sex, you use your saliva for lubrication... I just don't like the chance of getting yeast infection because the guy had some sweet stuff before... Pussy and sugar is a recipe for a cheesefactory....
By #435701 at 04,Apr,14 20:21
Clean sex ALWAYS!!! But, I think I sense a little OCD in your over the top ritual...

By #338668 at 08,Mar,13 01:09
You make sex seem like work. just bathe and take care or urself damn guys
By #301038 at 08,Mar,13 01:10
not everyone was raised in a clean house....
By *kmadeau* at 03,Apr,14 07:21 other posts of *kmadeau* 
maybe I could believe you, but knowing from where you are coming, it's really very difficult for me! Just wanna to say only, that even Hospitals wasn't clean enough there where you was raised, sorry Madam Peach!

By #452019 at 02,Apr,14 21:26
You have a serious cleanliness issue. Genuinely book yourself into therapy. What you describe is not regular behavior.
By #23212 at 03,Apr,14 05:44
You are definitely not alone in this astute assessment.

By #428975 at 03,Apr,14 05:27
I get the cleaning par but don't you think you being kind of getting a little psycho you want him to shave his face and if hi does not want to cause he like his bear or you must carry a back bag not just a bag for al of that's stuff is ok to be clean but not crazy clean. the only way I will do that if only if the guy is super hot or had money hahah JK but otherwise if his not hot and his making me do all of that I will go

By #316057 at 03,Apr,14 04:24
Here my partner before sex,,,[deleted image]

By #2331 at 07,Feb,13 14:19
Run him through the carwash!!!
If you dont trust men fuck a horse.
By #23212 at 08,Feb,13 00:59
But it's not about men, it's about a phobia.

By #7976 at 06,Feb,13 23:49
I can't say I've ever asked a lover to wash before having sex but I've purposefully showered either with or without my partner. When it's with her, it's fun and erotic foreplay sometimes leading to climax before we get out of the shower.

On the other hand, I have been with numerous women who find a sweaty, aromatic man a real turn on and they insist on having sex even before cleaning up. I'll admit, I love the smell, taste, and feel of a woman who's worked up a sweat on a hot summer day. One's senses go into overdrive and it's a truly erotic sexual sensation. That's not all the time mind you but it can be just as much fun having dirty sex as it is to have clean sex.

That being said, if you ever find yourself needing a partner to shower with, let me know. It would be a pleasure to help a beautiful, sexy woman like yourself get clean or dirty in the shower.

Cheers Peach.

By #41858 at 06,Feb,13 18:34
I've taken showers with both male and female partners before... It's always fun!

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