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Can't help but want a bigger dick.

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Started by #51055 at 27,Jan,10 03:35
I know that my penis isn't "small" or anything, but after looking at all these dudes' dicks on this site I can't help but wish mine was huge to. I don't know what it is, I've been getting nice feedback from people on this site but I still want mine to be bigger. I can't help but envy these guys with this massive wangs. Does anyone else feel this way?

Similar topics: 1.let's vote about "longdick" out or in??   2.I need help getting a bigger dick!!!!!D:   3.Is my wife's ex dick bigger or sexier?   4.your partner ever talked about a bigger dick experience?   5.My dick is bigger....  

New Comment

By #6568 at 27,Jan,10 10:00
Please remember that many of the pics here have been photoshopped,...sometimes you can see where and how but there are also some highly skilled users here where it is by no means so obvious. If they post many pic they DO usually give themselves away eventually but, personally, I'm not that interested in putting that much effort into looking!!....I have better things to do!

Remember also that many men with large cocks are very self satisfied and tend to be poor lovers, especially since it is very easy to hurt a partner if you are even just modestly over average size like me. Many women have had bad experiences with large men,...and many have also had wonderful experinces with those who are 'small'

If you really do want to increase your size it is quite possible to do so whatever you may have heard from other sources. However, it takes time and dedication. You can PM me if you wish to pointed in the right direction.

By #39070 at 27,Jan,10 05:29
dont worry...youve got a nice cock!:-)

Adult Discussion Forum