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Cock Rings and ED, any help??

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Started by #44980 at 04,Sep,16 06:36
Don't know if this has been asked before. I have ED and I am trying to find out if a cockring would help put the lead in my pencil, and if so what type works best. Thanks guys!!

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By spermkiss at 04,Sep,16 16:44 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, it has been asked before, but I'm always willing to help a fellow SYD member, especially a member who has such a good looking member as you do. (Sorry, I just couldn't resist that pun.)

I wear a cock ring 24/7 and have for years, but not for ED. My balls are on the small side and they ride high. Often when I have an erection and/or it's cold, they draw up and almost disappear, so I wear my ring around both my cock and balls to hold them down in my sac for a better appearance. In other words I wear it for cosmetic reasons. It does not in any way interfere with the functioning of my dick. I get hard, I get soft, I can pee and I can ejaculate. All when wearing the ring.

Now, on to your question. Would a cock ring help with ED? Well, maybe. However there are risks, especially with a ring that is just worn around the cock. I've heard tales of men rushing to hospital emergency rooms because of a tight ring around their dick. So proceed with caution.

A dear friend, who has since passed away, also suffered from ED and he had a cock ring that was prescribed by his doctor. The doctor gave him complete instructions on how to put it on, how long to wear it and how to take it off. So my advice to you is to see a urologist. Believe me, you can be totally frank with him as he has seen and heard it all before. Trust me on that.

I hope this is useful. (And keep showing your nice member.)
By #44980 at 05,Sep,16 00:59
Thanks for the info, and the compliment!

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