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Nervous first cock experience about to happen.

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Started by #499176 at 11,Nov,16 16:17
I've never seen a cock (other than mine) in real life. I aim to experience one very soon. I want to do so much but I'm shy & nervous. Should I try to be subtle or just go for all the things I want to do?

Similar topics: 1.First time bi.   2.Looking for my first experience   3.Looking for Hot Couple to have Bi-Sexual Experience   4.Curious but NERVOUS my cock suckable  

New Comment

By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 22:00
Be slutty and show him what you want from him.

By #436014 at 19,Nov,16 07:21
you should totally slut out over that cock, make sure to suck it and feel how hot the head and shaft feel in your mouth

By cumonme1 at 18,Nov,16 14:50 other posts of cumonme1 
just go for all the things you want to do. thats what idid with my first cock

By Jb11 at 14,Nov,16 20:20 other posts of Jb11 
Relax and enjoy
By tb1 at 18,Nov,16 05:30 other posts of tb1 
Right on

By dickisgreat at 17,Nov,16 15:59 other posts of dickisgreat 
No need to be subtle. Don't worry, nothing you'd do will be something the guy hasn't already done or wanted to do or jerked off to in porn hehe

If you're nervous, bear in mind - if you're getting together with a gay dude - straight 'experimenting' guys are #1 for desirability among gay guys - the holy grail, a hot commodity. Gay gays would kill to have a shot at a straight guy. Always suprises me that some straight guys aren't aware of this.

On the other hand some gays out there aren't into it because they say the inexperienced ones aren't good at sex and don't know what to do. But these are a minority.

By #435701 at 14,Nov,16 19:17
Life is short. I remember when I was your age, shy and very nervous! Now 65...Do what you want to do. I wish I had! Have some fun sexually! What society says is sexually allowed is just a bunch of BS. And totally different between this World's current society's. And totally different throughout history... It's all the religious zealots, political dopes, lawmaking 'idjuts' putting their Victorian sexual beliefs on YOU! Because they can. Just be careful and picky about who you do it with...
By #517796 at 15,Nov,16 08:51
I don't think they follow it either. Some of them have done more perverted things than they accuse others for!

By #517796 at 15,Nov,16 08:50
Thank God we had a boys locker room in gym class in school! Saw plenty! It was an all male revue for me!

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