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Started by #526660 at 05,Jan,17 16:54
Insest any stories?

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By #147052 at 06,Jan,17 15:36
Yes, I have one: For an Englishman, you can't spell worth shit!

By hotlicker69 at 05,Jan,17 20:12 other posts of hotlicker69 
I was mowing the grass one day and run over an bee hive. I **** insects

By leopoldij at 05,Jan,17 19:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Quoting from
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The wrong way to spell "i_n_c_e_s_t".
At least 3 people on urban dictionary can't spell worth catshit. How do you fucks thing that " insest " is right? Jesus christ.

By JustWill at 05,Jan,17 18:15 other posts of JustWill 
As a prime example of why this is not a good thing, potential offspring from such a union can have serious brain malformation which makes simple things like...perhaps...being able to spell correctly...very difficult.

By Ray10754 at 05,Jan,17 17:40 other posts of Ray10754 
sorry dude this is not a topic that is taken lightly around here, My advise to you would be drop it before you get in over your head

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