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I wanna meet my soulmate

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Started by #488072 at 17,Jan,17 14:29
Iam so tired from hanging out in the internet with my sexual desires , i wanna transfer this desires to the real world iam married for 7 years i have kids and my sex life is ok with my wife we had sex couple times a week but i feel like thats not enough for me. I started wearing women clothes before five years ago and i start enjoy inserting things in my anal even some times my wife finger but thats not enough for me i want real dick inside me iwanna some one to treat me like a real women but iam afraid from losing my relation with my wife

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New Comment

By #488072 at 20,Jan,17 13:09

By #358797 at 17,Jan,17 18:07
Why not buy her a strap on? Curiosity will get the best of her, surely.
By bella! at 17,Jan,17 19:57 other posts of bella! 
That might be a "fun" alternative for both of them however there are a couple of things that aren't clear to.me.

He mentioned that he began wearing women's clothing. I wonder if this is done with his wife's knowledge or done secretively. Also, he mentioned that he wants to be treated like "a real women". Is that because he questions his own sexuality? Even the title of his thread he chose the word "soulmate".

I can certainly understand him not wanting to jeopardize the marriage however he is not getting what he seems to want and need from this relationship. My initial thought is for him to sit down with his wife and lay his cards out on the table. Either they're both in it or not.
By #488072 at 18,Jan,17 00:41
No she didn't know any think about my other **** world and its hard to till her this bc i will loose her ,
For the second point i don't know really why i am doing this but i enjoy being cross dresser and insert something inside me and in the same time i don't wanna loose my life with my wife

By #358797 at 19,Jan,17 01:18
True, she should know these things, no woman wants a man that does stuff behind her back, so if he values the marriage and wants more out of it, he should definitely let her know... I'm sure with a little creative thinking he could find a way to break the ice about it...

By #488072 at 18,Jan,17 00:31
I thought about this 1000 time before and i hope its easy but its more complicated she think that iam strait man she never thought iam bisex or gay our traditional and community unfortunately make those things forbidden..
Thanks anyway for your help
By #358797 at 19,Jan,17 01:15
My ex was straight as an arrow, literally to the point of being a homophobe, and he didn't mind me slipping a vibe up his ass.... Of course I'm probably way more open minded than your wife, but if she's willing to slip a finger up your ass, I'm sure she'd stick other things in there as well...
By #488072 at 19,Jan,17 14:56
She slip afinger in in special teams like she had the periods and i insist to have sex then she do that i tried to show her thats very satisfy for me but she never do it by her own

By #514830 at 19,Jan,17 13:04
Tell you wife you want to try having more intense orgasms. Ask her if she is willing to help you. Then she can help you and have her rub your prostate or get a prostate Massager.

Try not to think of clothes as sexual thing even though that how they are sold. Do more things nude together. Lay in bed naked and just hold each other together. Get more intimate with you wife don't just have sex or stop at sex. Go beyond sex. Let your wife hold you and cuddle you.
By #488072 at 19,Jan,17 14:50
Its really. Hard to explained but my wife doesn't has open minded to do such things if she do i will keep every thing inside the relation and i will be happy

By #485312 at 19,Jan,17 01:40
go get yourself a man on the side, don't tell you wife, just have an affair and keep your cake...she doesn't need to know and you don't want to wreck what you already have, men are more liberal than women and youre not the only man that seeks this kind of external relationship. good luck in your search for a greater sex life and l hope it works out for you *lix*
By #488072 at 19,Jan,17 14:46
Yes that what iam tring to do for the last 4 years but an afraied fron this kibd of affairs if i got cought it will be disaster

By #488072 at 18,Jan,17 14:34

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