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do women like my foreskin?

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Started by #6733 at 29,Jan,10 08:13
just wanted to know what ALL you ladies you prefer foreskin or not? as am thinking to about been circumcise.....just thinking...

Similar topics: 1.I have a tight foreskin?   2.foreskin adhesion   3.Restoring Foreskin   4.shape of a cock   5.Foreskin  

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By #6568 at 29,Jan,10 11:59
It might pay you to be very careful,...once it's gone it's gone!

As for women, they have as many likes and dislikes as there are women! However, many women think about and enjoy sex in a 'complete package' sort of was and are not interested in close specifics like the mans foreskin,...they tend to be much more interested in what the man says before during and after and how much passion and other emotions show up during the act.

I have met one woman who made it plain to me (while we were undressign the first time!) that she disliked foreskins because they were "squidgy".....she never found out that i had one although we had very succesful and energetic mating over several months.

I have met one other woman recently who is clearly very turned on and excited by looking at my foreskin and being alowed to manupulate it,...she does this with the other hand secretly diddling her clit and does not like me to know!...her husband was jewish.

I have read on the web about an American woman who although having a "great marriage" and having had all three of her sons mutilated at birth, harboured a secret fantasy to be ravished by an uncirced man because she thought it " so filthy"........The human mind is truly the greatest sexual organ!

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