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foreskin adhesion

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Started by #113432 at 20,May,13 13:40
had somebody else an adhesion between foreskin and glans when you was young and how did you manage that problem?

I couldnt pull back my foreskin till i was 13, because the foreskin stuck on the glans. then i visited a doctor for a normal health check up for school and he also had to ckeck my foreskin and balls. he told me that he has to check if my foreskin pulls back and if it is clean under it, but it didnt work when he tried. so he pulled the skin back very hard and far. it was so painful, but the glans was completely free.

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By #631189 at 31,Oct,21 11:41
We just develop at different speeds. Mine wouldn’t retract till I was about 13, and then only when it was soft in the bath. It didn’t retract without problems until my mid twenties

By galaxy123 at 30,Sep,21 14:47 other posts of galaxy123 
mine was a little tight and would not pull back all the way until I was about 10 or 11. Then my mother showed me how to clean under the foreskin. She firmly pulled it back a few times which was painful but then it worked free and was fine after that, sore for a few days but felt better.

By #345209 at 19,Apr,14 20:40
Same to me... But by chance (I was luckier than you!) all adhesions spontaneously disappear when I was 13 or 14.

Is "prophylactic" circumcision useful unless there is a real phimosis ???

And a long foreskin is sooooooooooooo pleasurable!!!!
By #187354 at 02,Jul,15 23:28
I agree

By bigone21 at 04,Sep,13 21:34 other posts of bigone21 
i had until i was about 12 y/o. my younger b r o t h e r didn't have it. it solved itself with some time, wouldn't recommend f o r c e!! you wouldn't pull on balls on a young guy if they don't sink in fast enough??

there is some mistaken that at age this it has to be that and so on... mostly, nature will take care!

By soundsgreat87 at 03,Sep,13 18:30 other posts of soundsgreat87 
Yeah, I had a couple small adhesions on my glans before puberty. Not long after I hit it, with all the workout my dick was getting from masturbating, they popped free... Stung for a day or two, but perfectly fine after that!

By #280374 at 26,May,13 22:12
I Still can't pull it back
By skot at 03,Sep,13 12:31 other posts of skot 
I had a phimotic ring (not quite a pinhole) when I was in my early teens. I had no idea foreskins could retract until a friend demonstrated his.

Took a while but I did stretch it loose in the bath.

By #113432 at 05,Jun,13 12:22
Nobody more?

By #113432 at 27,May,13 09:15
Whats the problem? Is your foreskin too tight or do you have an adhesion?

By #113432 at 26,May,13 10:36
Thanks for your posts

By slipper at 20,May,13 17:38 other posts of slipper 
A very common issue that usually resolves itself by or shortly after puberty. The doctor's (using the term loosely) "handling" of the situation was needlessly brutal and potentially harmful. I'm glad, though, that it has seemed to work out for you!

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