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Best fleshlight or masterbation device

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Started by thicknsmooth at 05,Feb,17 02:26  other posts of thicknsmooth
I recently purchased an autoblow that I really enjoyed! unfortionetly it did not hold up or last long before I started having problems with it. Im looking to replace it with something better any sugestions?

Similar topics: 1.Home made masturbatory devices   2.fleshlight handsfree   3.on mobile device i cant send private messages   4.Fleshlight.   5.Sharing your fleshlight with a buddy??  

New Comment

By niceonebighead at 14,Feb,17 04:53 other posts of niceonebighead 
i have a venus 2000 by sybain its not cheapbut ive had itover 6yrs an run the hell out of iton mine an othersstill greatmany hours of funlove it even use it on gfs tits

By skinb at 05,Feb,17 23:19 other posts of skinb 
I have a fleshlight and it is pretty good. The tenga eggs feel even better but they don't last long. They are cheap though.

By #520352 at 05,Feb,17 19:07
You cant go wrong with a Fleshlight i have the Jesse Jane one which i dont get to use as much as i would like and they do feel great but you do have to take care of them and clean them properly especially if like me you love cumming inside them

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