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Other safe anal lube alternatives

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Started by #124456 at 03,Apr,17 23:01
Ran out of lube the other day . There isn't really a sex shop nearby. I was wondering if there are any safe alternatives that you guys use for anal lube if you don't have any lube at all. Thanks

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By chubbyloves at 04,Apr,17 19:57 other posts of chubbyloves 
I never run out. If the bottle is less than half full, I pick up some more. I might be slip sliding away

By #500327 at 04,Apr,17 19:24
I use olive oil as its much smoother and lasts longer than water based lube. Though someone did tell me once not ro use too much as it can clog your pawes. Also it can stain sheets

By #485312 at 04,Apr,17 04:21
any edible vegetable oil works, like olive oil, canola, l we use coconut oil as its nice to lick of you body later.. petroleum Jelly if youre not using condoms, as it will break the condom, baby oil, and most lubes near the condoms in the store are usually condom friendly *lix*

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