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Fucking Emotions

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Started by Greek18cm at 10,Apr,17 22:56  other posts of Greek18cm
Well. Its been a year and i have to put it out there to the syd and syc community...

So, some may know but the majority not.
At 11 April 2016 this girl lets call her "A" called me in the phone and we talked for the last time since then...

I was going out with her for a year. All day every day. Like 24/24 ...7/7... I invested emotions all this time. Create feeling while as i later understand was not working for both ways...

You se, everyone tells that she wa a prostitude. I was in denial. There was signs but i never admit it. Then time passed and she take the decision to...move up lets say category.

She moved to a bigger town and then everyone again told me... "Ha now she is not going to be paid 5 euros for a blowjob now she is going to earn so many money that she is going to forget you"...

Still i did not believe anything. Still there was signs but... Come on how to admit something like that... And then suddenly she stopped talking to me. No calls no messages. And she came back and i find her to talk...

And she was furius. She said that "i" am calling her a whore... So injustice. I was in denial, everyone else called her whore. And one thing to another... She was not able to understand me.

Everyone said that she was looking for an excuse...

The thing is. All this year i did not get over it. Still have feelings. Someone in here mentioned that..."hey you are a greek,of course you have feelings"...

There is days i am ok. There is days i am not...

But now is the days that a year is complete and it happened to be the days that she is here again...

Usually since she moved to the other town she came here for a day maybe two. Now she is here 10 days. And she is all around with those guys... And i feel like...

I have my problems. Like my job is insecure. My car is broken... And... Fuck i can not control my feelings...

In a month is her birthday. I so much want to talk to her and so much afraid to...

Afraid a negativ reaction which will mean that we are over for ever... But my friends says "wake up you already lost her"...

Fuck this feelings. I want to be like her. Ruthless. Take advandage of everyone. Do what i want without regrets. I want to be emotionlesss...

Or ...!!!

Similar topics: 1.What is exciting about fucking a woman?   2.You tell me   3.VE DAY   4.If the Title says girls.. answer.. Gay guys DONT FUCKING ANSWER...   5.So fucking horny!!  

New Comment

By #502711 at 12,Apr,17 12:17
Dating a prostitute never ends well. You're better off mate. You don't want that kind of mess in your life. You'd be dating a chick that sucks cock & gets fucked by other dudes constantly, she'd probably come home with all sorts of STD's. More trouble than she's worth mate. Go out to bars & clubs & find yourself another girl, a decent girl. Or at least go & fuck a ton of pussy until you stop feeling anything for this bitch. You'll find a good one one day...
By Greek18cm at 12,Apr,17 19:57 other posts of Greek18cm 
The thing is i realised that too late. Already invsted emotions.

This last year unfortunately i did not fuck anyone so thats maybe another isue...

Although the last days something hapened. I found an oldbschoolmate girl. We tslkedva lot and i starting to feel better...

But still i dont know whats going to happened if this "a" girl saw up infront of me...

Yeah perhaps i shouldnot care...
By RealTitsLover at 12,Apr,17 21:57 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Can you fuck the oldbschoolmate girl?
By Greek18cm at 13,Apr,17 00:50 other posts of Greek18cm 
it could be happened...
but it would destroy the relation that we already have...

Maybe not... she is leavind in less than a week...
By #502711 at 13,Apr,17 07:36
You're both adults. Make a move on her. invite her over, pour some drinks & take it slow most of the night. Then put it on her. Maybe tell her she can stay with you for the night & then ask her if she wants to stay in your bed.
By Greek18cm at 15,Apr,17 04:41 other posts of Greek18cm 
This is not going to work. She is leaving in a few days. There is no purpose on that (exept just sex)
By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 05:19 other posts of RealTitsLover 
How long's it been since you had some?
By Greek18cm at 15,Apr,17 15:26 other posts of Greek18cm 
Its a year...
From 16.05.2015 to 11.04.2016 it was a nice run full of ...

But since then... nothing!
By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 17:19 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Sounds like it'd be worth it to fuck her a few times before she goes...
By Greek18cm at 15,Apr,17 18:47 other posts of Greek18cm 
The spiritual and intelectual conection i have with that friend is too importand to risk it for a few orgasms...

She helped me overcome my emotional problems and my psychological issues with the other girl...

I ...i think thats all.

Or maybe i just dont like her sexually...she is sweet and maybe sexy but i just look her diferrently...
By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 18:53 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Oh, well nevermind then. If you don't actually want her like that.
By Greek18cm at 15,Apr,17 21:50 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yes further more she has a ****...

...and she is an actor wich i mention it because you know...she is free spurit which drived us to some ways that... lets say she saw my cock once...so i think if she like it she will ask it...

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