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Have you ever been caught while fucking another man's wife?

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Started by #332336 at 14,May,17 13:31
I was fucking a married woman one time and her husband caught us. Had her doggy position on the side of the bed, I was standing behind her hitting it hard. and right after I blew my nut he walked in the room. While they were screaming and yelling, I grabbed my clothes and hauled ass out the door butt naked. Jumped in my truck and hauled ass. Thanking my luck the guy didn't have a gun. I could have been shot that day. I swore off married women after that, unless their husband approves first.

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New Comment

By #533258 at 25,May,17 22:12
He didn't catch us but he did find my wallet in his wifes car after a company party. I explained it away other than it fell out when my pants were around my ankles while your wife rode my cock like a hockey at the Belmont.

By #531302 at 25,May,17 14:41
Yes I was. I was fucking her in their bed when he pulled up. She got dressed and intercepted him in the living room. I got dressed myself crawled out the window across the lawn, and jumped behind a hedge. Made my way to my car and reclined the seat all the way and drove off. The two cum puddles on the sheets gave us away anyway and later on he recognized that that truck was mine. He never talked to me again (we were school mates

By #510842 at 25,May,17 02:56
Never been caught with another mans wife but I did get caught fucking a friend of mines s.ister.

By yardog319 at 14,May,17 15:20 other posts of yardog319 
Yes he chased me all over town trying to shoot me. Now we are best friends.
By #485312 at 18,May,17 06:00
wow, youre lucky his aim was off... did he catch you in the act or found out by other means??? *lix*

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