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XXL vs. M size - what's your choice?

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Started by hypoboy at 05,Jun,17 12:25  other posts of hypoboy
Imagine this very special situation: after some desperate weeks of sexual abstinence you are super wet after having seen both fit guys stripping for you. You want to have some reeeeally good sex now!! As you finally pull down those bulging undies you find those two hard cocks (see pics below).

What are your first thoughts as you see those two cocks?

Imagine i am your M-sized boyfriend or husband and offer you this "once-in-a-lifetime choice" lol- how would you react, how would the story continue from here.... ;-)

Similar topics: 1.Dick size vs. Shoe size   2.FORUM threads that start with "I'm not gay..."   3.What is your favorite beer/alcohol or **** of choice?   4.Should **** have a choice in circumcision?   5.My size  

New Comment

By RealTitsLover at 05,Jun,17 13:13 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I'm an XL and I can fit both hands on it, so I think XXL is a bit of an exaggeration...

In this scenario, I'm a chick, right? Just kidding, I know it's not a question for me.
By hypoboy at 05,Jun,17 14:12 other posts of hypoboy 
haha you could answer as well if you were gay or bi... ;-)

By hypoboy at 05,Jun,17 12:31 other posts of hypoboy 
By #363802 at 05,Jun,17 13:17
I'll take the BIG black one please!

Adult Discussion Forum