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Dick Appreciation Day

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Started by RealTitsLover at 17,Oct,17 14:39  other posts of RealTitsLover
I've been thinking... how come no one ever talks about or appreciates dicks on this site? We all get bombarded with unsolicited pussy pics, often without so much as a "hello" - but what about dicks? Aren't they special too? Maybe we should set aside a day just for them... What do you think?

Similar topics: 1.SMALL BUT BEAUTIFUL   2.Post your small tits   3.Grey sweat pants / trackies   4.what would you do to her?   5.Bi guys, Im just wondering........  

New Comment

By kebmo at 16,Nov,17 15:20 other posts of kebmo 
I KNOW !! Where can someone find a decent dick pic on this site? I've looked everywhere....

By Andthisisme at 17,Oct,17 18:41 other posts of Andthisisme 
Like so many guys on here I would love to actually engage in conversation with a real woman, now and again.
By RealTitsLover at 17,Oct,17 21:05 other posts of RealTitsLover 
That's the main reason I'm here, and I actually only post here when none of the ones I wanna talk to are online. If I'm able to find any threads that aren't just about dicks, anyway.

By Ray10754 at 17,Oct,17 17:18 other posts of Ray10754 
I appreciate my dick every day

By #460385 at 17,Oct,17 16:26
WTF are you talking about. This whole site is about dicks. Am I missing something? Is there a day set aside to honor vaginas?
By #517356 at 17,Oct,17 16:31
I think his accounts been hacked... or he's been on the beer again. There is clearly more dicks ( literally! )than anything else on here. I do wonder if his settings are set ' to just show females '. Dicks have no interest to me but even i can see that there are more..just by the number of male members on compared to females!

By RealTitsLover at 17,Oct,17 16:40 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I thought the sarcasm would be more obvious... oops.
The "complaint" about everyone getting unsolicited pussy pics didn't give it away?
By #460385 at 17,Oct,17 16:44
Yeah it did. But for a half of a second, I thought you might be the one and only Casanova.

Adult Discussion Forum