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Scientificly Accurate Finger Length Linked to Penis Size

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Started by #542523 at 19,Jan,18 01:12
always thought I have deformed fingers due to my index fingers being much shorter than the rest. Seriously, then I read the following article along with others that verified the first article. Yeah, yeah, I will post a photo of my index finger an ring fingers along with a tape measure of my penis, I am not a large person nor am I tall, however, penis length, I was born somewhat more than average, considering average penis length is 5.5 inches and circumference average is 4.5 inches. Not that it matters, we are who we are, birthday suit included, although, as a male would you prefer a longer penis or a fatter penis. Hmmm, hard one for me, as I like the feel of having a fatter penis, as I have vacuum pumped my penis to about 6.5 inches circumference and it was different to say the least trying to **** my penis in my Hunney. She did not like my penis being fatter said it was uncomfortable. Length, my penis is at 7 inches from the tip to my pubic bone and I always touched, pushed against her Cervix, which, always turns me me like a hot finger touching the end of my penis when I thrusted in. So based on what I have felt experience wise and what my Hunney said didn't feel good when I pumped my penis up much thicker, I am glad I was born with a Shorter Index Finger compared to my Ring Finger. How bout You, care to share? Remembering, we have not control over how pretty, ugly,or the shape, size of our bodies But we Can make the best of what we were born with such as eating properly, exercising so we maintain a youthful appearance as we grow older.

Almost Forgot the Link to the article

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New Comment

By #542523 at 21,Jan,18 02:30
Although, no public comments concerning Finger length relationship to Penis size, I did receive the following Private Message reply to this post.

"Jan 20, 00:16 Skittles: learn to fucking spell before you post in forum you old geezer loser"

If there are typos in my post, hopefully, the text remains readable. Concerning 'old geezer loser' SKITTLES, while you have a right to you opinion, Your Opinion, is of No consequence to me.

This 'Old Geezer' age is a testament of I Am Still Here with a Hard Body unlike many of my peers. Consider yourself fortunate, should you live as long as I have, especially, if you remain in good physical condition instead of going Bald, Fat, etc.

Person behind the screen often times is reflected in their attitude and their online behavior. Usually, someone successful, happy with their life are Kind, Empathetic, Generous in their treatment of others online.

No Skiittles, I am not upset or angry assuming that was your intent of the PM to me. It saddens me that someone supposedly in their early Twenties actions online are Toxic instead of enjoying what there is to enjoy, agreeing to disagree while maintaining a healthy dialogue with those who share this online experience.

FYI, Do check out the link or do a cross link search on google on the link I posted. Some very interesting data on the WHY's of the Finger to Penis Length relationship.

Adult Discussion Forum