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The public challenge

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Started by #452993 at 08,Mar,18 19:15
I want to see who will print my pics and leave them in public places like restrooms, truckstops, etc and send me pics of them being seen.
The winner will get a new pussy pic!!

Similar topics: 1.30 Day Challenge!!!   2.CHALLENGES!   3.*CHALLENGES - WEEK 1*   4.We have the bic dick challenge but I kinda want the bic balls challenge   5.Cum And public challenge  

New Comment

By #452993 at 18,Mar,18 15:09
I'll up the prize to a video link to see me playing with my pussy!!
By Sir-Skittles at 18,Mar,18 16:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By leopoldij at 15,Mar,18 23:41 other posts of leopoldij 
I think the reward is too small for the task required to be performed.
By jayman73 at 16,Mar,18 01:46 other posts of jayman73 
How about two pussy pics and a Kex Bar?
By leopoldij at 16,Mar,18 05:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Nope. I want a blowjob.
By jayman73 at 16,Mar,18 15:24 other posts of jayman73 
Sounds fair to me. Not sure how She will give you your reward. You may need to come to the United States, to Lancaster to collect your prize.
By leopoldij at 16,Mar,18 17:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Who said I won't come? I'll come and cum.

By #452993 at 16,Mar,18 16:56
I will do two pussy pics.....I'd do the blow job if it was possible!!

By #478298 at 11,Mar,18 22:42
I'd love to be seen posted in Florida

[deleted image]

By #545766 at 10,Mar,18 21:22
If you wil take some photos that include your face, I would be very pleased to print out a bunch of color photos and place them throughout Central Florida.
By #452993 at 11,Mar,18 04:31
I'm sorry but do to certain status I can't post my face or I would.

Adult Discussion Forum