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Started by #486048 at 02,May,18 01:40
can anybody kindly tell me how i can make my foreskin wider so that i can put thing in it to strech it.

Similar topics: 1.foreskin adhesion   2.Restoring Foreskin   3.shape of a cock   4.Foreskin   5.How to tighten your foreskin  

New Comment

By #121361 at 07,May,18 05:37
Top Tool for Streching wide ! [deleted image]

By #555950 at 02,May,18 18:28
I dislike my foreskin i rather be circumcised
By #486048 at 05,May,18 12:00
and why is that then.i like my foreskin.

By foreskinlover52 at 03,May,18 17:39 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Theres nothing wrong with your foreskin! It is perfect and so sexy!
By #486048 at 03,May,18 23:01
thanks glad you like it

By #539358 at 03,May,18 14:10
Your foreskin looks perfect to me, the same as mine. I'd leave perfection as it is!
By #486048 at 03,May,18 17:26
ok i will leave it just the way it is

By #543717 at 03,May,18 00:44
Iґd recommend you get cut: then youґre done with too tight foreskin right away. I got cut at age 27, and never regret it. Should have had it done much earlier.

By uncutjoy at 02,May,18 22:48 other posts of uncutjoy 
How small is the opening in the foreskin? Can you see the meatus? If so, you may start with a Q-Tip to start the stretching process...if bigger, then try to push the glans through the opening by pulling back on the foreskin...there should be some discomfort, but not too painful.

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