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Started by mahak at 14,May,18 07:22  other posts of mahak
I was 12 . Not much aware of sex and masturbation. During a marriage function ,I had my first experience which I didnt like . I was asked by one of distant cousin to come with him to see his mango orchard . It was peak time of mango . I was taken to the orchard . It was large and various types of mango . Cousin was aged 22 and well built . We had not much acquaintance earlier ,but the lure of tasty mango I could not resist . There was a hut sort for the guards . No one was there . He arranged for many mangos and gave it to me. I took them and started to come back. He suggested that since the sun is now stronger ,better to enjoy the mango here in natural environment and after an hour we can go. I wanted to start the mango eating fast I agreed. The room was not properly lit . One bed was there ,I sit there . I was in my half-pants.
He sat beside me and started giving me massage . He told me this is village type massage which one enjoys here while taking mangos . I disnt bother much . Slowly his hands were coming almost inside my pants . No I was alert. But he was assuring me that everything is fine and I SHOULD CONTINUE TO ENJOY MANGO. My both hands were busy . Now suddenly, he put his hands inside and touched my small sleeping penis . I was very surprised . This was first touch of any stranger . He said why I am not wearing a underwear. He made me feel that this is a big deal and not acceptable. He put his hands again and now seeing me eye to eyr grabbed my little cock . It started bulging. He immediately opened my pant (only one button was the support ) . If i would have resisted a lot , the button could have broken and I had to go back. He started masturbating me . I was scared .. He was not bothered about my joy for sure. He turned me back and before I could react ,he put his very large and hard cock there . He used some lubricant and it was little inside. I screamed in pain. He was virtually trying to **** me as I had seen in Hindi mOVIES . He again put it and adjusted and few pushes which were very very painful.. After that he told me suddenly to put on the pant and go home quickly and also to take the mangos . I was in pain and immediately dressed and started to go bak. Walking was painful . I felt some wetness and touched my ass ..Oh God was totally wet and one sticky substance ..I could not identify..somehow later on I could realise that the wet substance was unloaded by my cousins's large cock ..the pain and the memory lasted for ever.... I was seduced many time subsequently ..but I enjoyed many a times ..except this time.

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By #558081 at 27,May,18 21:15
I was 6 years old, stepfather, churchman, later other men and WOMEN too.
... and this sory IS real! I wish it was not.

By #493361 at 23,May,18 20:51
I dont know how many of these stories are real or not but anything involving sexual activities with minors is both **** abuse and ****. I hope all of the perpertrators are found and castrated. Abusing **** is not something that should be discussed here like a fetish.
By kebmo at 24,May,18 01:36 other posts of kebmo 
I absolutely agree with you that "Abusing chlldren is not something that should be discussed here like a fetish". It is not a fetish, it's r@pe, abuse and a crime perpetrated by the scummiest of our society. In Canada an arrest on such charges can be made decades after the crime and still end up with the guilty party in jail and we like it that way because these monsters are still living in fear that their victims will come forward. That's a good thing. I hope they never sieep well.

Having said that, this thread is a great forum for people to speak of it for the first time ever. That is therapeutic and therapy is a good thing.

I was not abussed as a chlld but my biological father abussed two of my brothers. He died of suicide and is currently rotting in Hell.

That was therapeutic for me!

Raping chlldren is NOT a fetish, it is a crime!!
By #546476 at 24,May,18 19:17
I agree 100%...but what happened happened and nothing can ever change that....I **** my cousin for what he did and wonder who else he might have done the same to....hopefully I was the only one and no one else had to sample his evil

By #546476 at 22,May,18 18:08
I was about 5 and my cousin....about 15 made me suck his that age I didn't realise that what I was doing was wrong and at the time actually enjoyed it
By kebmo at 22,May,18 23:59 other posts of kebmo 
Just to be clear, YOU did nothing wrong!
By mahak at 23,May,18 03:00 other posts of mahak 
Yep...I felt bad..but it helped me to enjoy my seduction in future

By mahak at 23,May,18 17:48 other posts of mahak 
At 5 u could enjoy.. great

By cardinal at 22,May,18 13:59 other posts of cardinal 
That's some sad shit.

By #557653 at 21,May,18 21:02
I was abuse by a cousin of mine and his friend when I was 10 years old. They were in their twenties.

By #552392 at 20,May,18 04:18
When 12 my 17 yr old step **** came into my room one night and locked the door, he took his pants off and made me touch his cock. I was amazed at how big it was and how it stood up and was so hard.

The next night alone at home with my step **** he asked if I wanted to see it again. I said I did and he said only if I show him mine. I removed my pants reveling my tiny cock. I was shy and said that I didn't like how small it was. He said that he's was also small when he was younger. He touched my cock and got naked as well, we played with each others cocks for a while and he showed me gay porn. He told me to suck his cock and I did, I liked it. We then went to the room where he fingered my ass hole with vaseline, I sucked him while he fingered me.

He put vaseline on his cock and made me get on my hands and knees. As he slid the tip of his cock in me I shrieked and took it out as it hurt alot. He said that he'd be more careful but I refused to let him put it in again. He then forced me down on my back and spread my legs. I struggled and begged him to stop but he managed to get it in. Screaming and crying begging for him to stop he thrusted his cock in my ass ignoring my pain. He gagged me with socks and pounded deep and fast, stretching my virgin ass. Eventually he came on my face and left me with a gaped sore ass. A week later alone at home he stripped me naked and used me again. I became used to it and started enjoying it.
By mahak at 21,May,18 17:46 other posts of mahak 
Yes... almost same happened to me...still I could save it till date

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