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Prostate orgasm

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Started by #557484 at 19,May,18 15:57
Please someone tell me how should I do it. I have curved dildo, big suction cup dildo, vibrating dildo, vibrating prostate massager and normal prostate massager. Still I dont get prostate orgasm, also tried to finger my boipussy. Tell me please how

Similar topics: 1.Prostate massage   2.Prostate orgasm.   3.She milked my prostate!   4.New Prostate Toy   5.Help... I want to experience prostate orgasm  

New Comment

By #342127 at 25,May,18 21:21
Your prostate probably isn’t 9 inches inside, considering doctors do a digital rectal exam to check it. I have an Aneros massager, and I love it.

By #553253 at 20,May,18 08:14
Find something big enough to reach it![deleted image]
By #557484 at 20,May,18 10:15
I got 9 inch dild
By #553253 at 23,May,18 18:33
That works too....I love keeping it inside, on, and go pull something on that keeps it inside...and go to work until I cant stand it anymore, I love the big fat ones!
By #557484 at 24,May,18 13:20
wow that would be cool, but 9 inch too big for workday i guess

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