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Prostate massage

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Started by Sharkie at 23,Apr,11 13:02  other posts of Sharkie
I've started experimenting with a prostate massager but other than a real pleasant sensation hasn't reach the ultimate orgasm yet.... any tips on what works really well and how to achieve this ultimate goal.

Similar topics: 1.prostate massage by yourself gspot to massage your own prostate   4.Prostate massage   5.Prostate toys  

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By LGA6969 at 09,Sep,24 13:25 other posts of LGA6969 
It takes practice I use to use my index finger with some work managed to orgasm by stim my prostate. I use Aneros now with much better results and intense orgasms

By Smoothsilk at 08,Sep,24 19:05 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I use a suction cup dildo on the shower wall. I get protate orgasms very easily and they come one after the other. Each one is more intense than the last. I keep going until I get tired. Reading these comments, I feel very lucky. Guess there are benefits to having an enlarged prostate!

By #553253 at 13,Apr,18 08:40
I had two friends bet they could make me cum without touching my dick...she won! did I!

By #152905 at 25,Apr,11 15:53
Never been able to reach orgasm with finger or prostate massager, i use the aneros, check my pic with aneros inserted. Im straight, so cant ask a friend to pump my ass.
By spermkiss at 25,Apr,11 16:50 other posts of spermkiss 
What does being straight have to do with it? There are a LOT of straight men who like to be fucked in the ass. If a man's body is built so that he derives pleasure from prostate stimulation thru anal penetration, he will enjoy being fucked. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with the matter.

I'm as gay as they come, but I am not one of those men. (See my comment above.) But I've fucked a couple of dozen straight men who gave every indication that they really enjoyed it. Most of them explicitly asked me to fuck them and reached an orgasm while being fucked. A few reached orgasm without any stimulation to the penis, so climaxing solely from prostate stimulation is indeed possible.

So AlwaysHorny61 and Sharkie, surely each of you has a trusted gentleman friend who could help you out here. That's what friends are for, they help each other out. And adding the physical dimension to your friendship will only strengthen the bonds between you. I've had straight friends over the years and mostly we eventually had sex (at their instigation, not mine). In each case it brought us closer together. Good luck.
By spermkiss at 29,Apr,11 20:33 other posts of spermkiss 
To further elaborate on this, there was an article on just published today about straight men likeing to get fucked. According to this article, roughly half of all gay men like being fucked, but an amazing ten percent of straight men do. Since there are a lot more straight men than there are gay men (about four percent of men are gay), it follows that more men who like being fucked are straight than gay. Ten percent of 96 percent of the male population is a lot more than half of four percent.

So if you want to take a dick up your ass, AlwaysHorny61, go for it! You'll be glad you did.

And no, getting fucked is not going to turn you gay. Your sexual orientation is hardwired into your brain and cannot be changed. So if you're straight, even if you took a hundred cocks up your ass in the next month, you'd still be straight.
By #215672 at 22,Apr,13 01:12
but very loose
By spermkiss at 22,Apr,13 15:33 other posts of spermkiss 
Yeah, I guess you're right. If he took a hundred cocks up his ass in a month (that's more than three a day!), by the end of the month he'd probably have a size twelve asshole.

By #252724 at 22,Apr,13 00:43
Free massage any way you want it. For those in nortwest oregon or southwest

By smokieb69 at 19,Apr,13 17:40 other posts of smokieb69 
It takes a bit of practice- I have tried various vibrators without great success. Recently I bough a lelo billy and I am loving it- I am getting closer to a prostrate orgasm- I am getting more pleasure each time I use it and am starting to produce more and more precum- which I love sucking off the tip of my cock
ass in the air with billy vibrator inside
cumming in my mouth

By #170797 at 16,Jun,11 07:25
my doctor gives a great prostate massage, thats why i get checkups twice a year instead of once. And is he cute, good thing my cock is against the exam table I get a hard-on every time
By spermkiss at 16,Jun,11 16:11 other posts of spermkiss 
I know how this is. A few years ago my regular doctor didn't think my prostate felt right so she (yes, she) ordered a PSA test and referred me to a urologist for another examination.

Well, when the urologist came into the examining room he (yes, he) was drop dead good looking. I thought to myself: "Wow! This is one medical appointment I'm going to really enjoy. You want me to drop my pants so you can examine my dick and balls? Sure, you can examine any part of my body that you want. You want me to turn around so you can put your finger up my butt? Be my guest. You can put anything you want up there."

It turned out that my PSA test was normal and the urologist said that my prostate was normal. And it sure was fun finding that out.

By #142318 at 02,May,11 21:04
I have never been able to get it right.. i tried my fingers but i didnt feel anything amazing..
By spermkiss at 02,May,11 23:46 other posts of spermkiss 
Not all men do. See my comment above on April 24.

By pifad at 02,May,11 06:04 other posts of pifad 
I would opt for the cock

By spermkiss at 24,Apr,11 00:35 other posts of spermkiss 
The best prostate massager of all is an erect penis. Ask your best buddy to insert his penis into your anus and pump it in and out massaging your prostate until your reach an orgasmic climax. If he's a good friend he'll accomodate you.
By Sharkie at 24,Apr,11 12:34 other posts of Sharkie 
Thanks Spermkiss... I couldn't agree more, unfortunately not many of those around here and I have to resort to other methods...
By spermkiss at 24,Apr,11 20:12 other posts of spermkiss 
Gee, that's really too bad. I'd help you out, but it's a long way from California to South Africa.

This is an interesting topic for me because physical pleasure from anal intercourse is so slight for me that it is almost non-existant. If the guy is really hot and/or if I am really fond of him, the psychological and emotional pleasure of knowing that he is using my anus for his sexual gratification can be enormous. But the physical pleasure just isn't there. I suspect that it's because of where my prostate is located. It just isn't positioned to be readily stimulated by anal penetration.

Good luck. I hope that you receive the anal pleasure and prostate stimulation you want and deserve.
By #33101 at 27,Apr,11 15:04
I must be very lucky, then ? anal penetration (done correctly...) drives me absolutely wild!
By spermkiss at 27,Apr,11 16:12 other posts of spermkiss 
You are indeed fortunate. And you are far from alone. Many men find anal penetration highly pleasurable and some can even reach orgasmic climax this way. See my reply to AlwaysHorny61 below. I'm just not one of those men, however.

I guess this is one of the reasons I'm a Major Cocksucker. When I meet a man like you who really enjoys anal penetration I really like to suck him off while another man fucks him in the ass. When he reaches his climax he explodes with a Major Orgasm that shakes his entire body and he shoots me a massive load of sperm that is a cocksucker's delight.
By #33101 at 28,Apr,11 07:31
I wish you were doing that to me right now. You would get literally a mouthful of cum!
By spermkiss at 29,Apr,11 20:35 other posts of spermkiss 
That's what I like! There is nothing better than receiving a mouthful of jizz. Yum.

By #34386 at 28,Apr,11 04:21
Never try it, but looks like it can be good from the general consensus

By #99845 at 28,Apr,11 01:28
nothing beats a hard cock pumping inside.

By #156138 at 24,Apr,11 11:45
Sharkie good luck its worth it believe me try gently putting presdure on and off you P use the pad of your thumb
By Sharkie at 24,Apr,11 12:32 other posts of Sharkie 
Thanks so much.... will keep you posted!

By #156138 at 24,Apr,11 09:50
Hi you need to locate your prostate tryyouthumb feel for a walnut sized protrusion and hently massage it practise makes perfect i can cum like this
By Sharkie at 24,Apr,11 10:07 other posts of Sharkie 
Thanks I will try my thumb.... hopefully will get it right soon...

By #149682 at 24,Apr,11 02:32
i have the same problem u do
By Sharkie at 24,Apr,11 06:07 other posts of Sharkie 
Why is it so difficult... I'm guessing practice makes perfect...

By #2331 at 23,Apr,11 14:39
The human finger.
By Sharkie at 24,Apr,11 06:06 other posts of Sharkie 
I am thinking more along the lines of "method" not "tools"...

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