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Recommend music for us all to set the mood.

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Started by #555742 at 28,Jul,18 05:04
Hello everyone I am someone who loves music and listening to music to set the mood or burn a good memory in your head or an event is a beautiful thing.

I wanted to make a thread for people to recommend songs that they think are good for setting a sex mood or setting a pleasant atmosphere or an action. WHatever you want. Id love to read what others like and maybe it will expand my horizons

Obviously to me the best song to have sex to
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and the rock cover by Seether only registered users can see external links

This song i think is good foreplay song or maybe going down on your partner and making their eyes roll backwards
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This is just a sexy song that girls and guys like and makes for a pleasant mood
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This is a song that even though i dont understand it makes me feel positive energetic and gets me going
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This song reminds me of good times now gone because of decisions that had to be made.
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Theres many more but just wanted to show an idea as to what to recommend I guess. Cant wait to hear what others have to share.

Similar topics: 1.Sex Music?   2.Sex Music   3.Wank to the Music   4.*MUSIC CHAT*   5.Share you current mood with music  

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By #550094 at 28,Jul,18 05:55
A good pace to jerk off at.

(pulls dick out, wanks to the beat of
3 Doors Down "Kryptonite")

By bella! at 28,Jul,18 05:10 other posts of bella! 
Didn't you post basically the same thread only one week ago?
By #555742 at 28,Jul,18 05:54
yeah it was similar but that was more aimed at a favorite sex song this is more of a different songs for different vibes but it is pretty close I guess. I thought about it when making it but decided it was different enough for a separate thread.

By #275407 at 28,Jul,18 05:52
I've Allways liked moody blues, ( nights in white satin )

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