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Started by #53520 at 08,Feb,10 13:37
ok so im straight and i love comments from male guys but i hardly recieve any from females and thats why i joined im not very confident with the females because i thought my penis was small but i would like to get some comments from the hot ladies on here


New Comment

By MoeJoe at 08,Feb,10 15:33 other posts of MoeJoe 
And if you think you are talking to a woman....well, you are more than likely talking to a man.

By #50852 at 08,Feb,10 14:03
all i know is that there is a shit load of stuck-up people on this site ! i joined to make comments and chat with people,and i get nothing. thanks alot to all you stuck-up holes !!!
By #6568 at 08,Feb,10 15:31
I'm genuinely sorry that you have not forged any friendships here,...however, have you considered that it might be due to your attitude....? Also, people here are happier when talking to others who have actually posted pix and I notice that you have not. i don't think people here are any more "stuck-up" than anywhere else. People tend to be a little defensive and cagey about anything sexual and this site is no diferent, takes two to tango!
By MoeJoe at 08,Feb,10 15:32 other posts of MoeJoe 
Post some pics Rod and you will get comments....that's what this site is for.

Adult Discussion Forum