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Started by andrew999999999 at 11,Apr,19 20:47  other posts of andrew999999999
I'm going to my first all male orgy tomorrow, looking forward to it. Anyone else been to an orgy before (mixed or single sex), and if you have, how was it?

Similar topics: 1.Need your best advices ! orgy!   3.I just watched the orgy scene from Sausage Party   4.I WANNA SEE PEOPLE NAKED " DICKS, PUSSY, BALLS NIPPLES, BUTHOLES,   5.What was your best m2m surprise??  

New Comment

By knewbi at 15,Apr,19 16:32 other posts of knewbi 
Oh yes... It was one of the highlights of my sexual life. Read my blog on it. /blogs/34639.html

By wmw6cut at 12,Apr,19 22:36 other posts of wmw6cut 
it was fantastic....had a great time and many orgasms

By Ablaze at 12,Apr,19 20:25 other posts of Ablaze 
I was many times with males and females and mixed. I enjoyed.

By #536019 at 12,Apr,19 19:05
A few years ago there was a weekly gay orgy in my city. Usually 30 naked guys, with diverse ages and ethnicities, doing everything (except BDSM), with multiple partners. It was in the finished basement of a townhouse in a nice urban neighborhood; lunchtime on Wednesdays, lasting 2 hours. A $10 "contribution" while coming in the back of the house. I only went five times, and then the homeowner discontinued it. I usually went around sucking multiple appealing cocks, and being sucked. Usually just a few minutes each, with no orgasm. But sometimes with the same guy for an extended time, orgasming while others watched. Didn't fuck, but I enjoyed watching close-up when guys did.

By #423426 at 12,Apr,19 12:50
I've had MMF and MMM but never a full blown gay orgy. I hope it's as fun as it sounds. I look forward to reading your blog tomorrow.

By #545468 at 12,Apr,19 03:45
They can be awesome - all depends on your expectations heading into it and the nature of the group. Go along with the vibe of the room. Usually these things take on a life of it's own. You're going to be dealing with the sexual appetites of a bunch of horny guys. It may be in sync with yours, and it may not. Again it comes down to your expectations. Enjoy!!

By #578610 at 12,Apr,19 00:05
They are fun but usually the name is a swingers party,, Just be flexible and go with the flow

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