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anybody have tips on how to edge

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Started by #25830 at 09,Feb,10 18:11
Just wondering what other people do.

Similar topics: 1.anyone straight edge?   2.Taking it to the edge and then stopping for a few seconds.   3.Any tips on how not to cum too fast ? I cum way too fast !   4.How long was your longest edging session?   5.I cum too fast ! Any tips to help ?  

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By slipper at 28,Feb,10 02:16 other posts of slipper 
Get as close as possible to orgasm and stop, BUT stay aroused, and repeat as often and as long as you wish (or for beginners as long as you can).

I pump loads of precum this way and when I choose to cum I have a tremendous one--and the longer, more often I "edge" in this fashion the more intense the final orgasm. However, for me, the being highly aroused for long periods (hours) is almost better than the cum itself!!! The only thing better is a lover doing it for and with you!!!!

I might add that my wife, with years and years of practice, can make me nearly pass-out from the intensity before letting me cum!!!

By #25830 at 09,Feb,10 19:39
Thank for the info... I play and can some times get my self to where just one more stroke will send me over... it very nice ..

By #6568 at 09,Feb,10 18:24
There are lots of methods and things you can do while edgeing.

A very useful idea that I think comes from the books by American sexologist Dr Barbara Keesling, is to settle an a fixed number of steps between the first stage of arousal and orgasm. Thus, you divide up the arousal process into 10 stages and as you get more excited you make a concious pause at each level until you get to 9 1/2 then you breathe slowly and deliberately and flex your 'Kegel' muscles until you drop back a couple of levels. Then you repeat. Eventually you are able to sort of 'hover' on the brink at about 9 3/4.....before deciding to orgasm WHEN you want to.

This is a powerful technique which can enable you to have multiple orgasms or to separate orgasm and ejaculation, because it provides discipline to the process of sex and thus lets you easily judge exactly where you are in the arousal 'graph'.....

....I can confirm that it works, and works extremely well.

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