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Does getting high make you bi

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Started by #64328 at 16,May,19 17:51
Back in my early years when I would get high I would get so horny that I'd do anything and many of my friends were the same. Did anyone else experience these feelings

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By #535819 at 25,May,19 02:31
Has a hand in bringing out the real you.

By #584076 at 17,May,19 09:39
It lowers your inhibitions...

But it doesn't make you bisexual...

It may allow you to act on desires that generally get repressed.
By up-for-it at 24,May,19 23:36 other posts of up-for-it 
Perfect answer to this!

By #589240 at 23,May,19 04:09
I'm an avid stoner and I will say it never made me bi but I like to be high and horny, allows me to have a little more fun and gets the mood going

By #551147 at 23,May,19 04:04
I was almost certain it made you Gay. 🤔 Otherwise, why do it?

By #353868 at 21,May,19 10:16
oh yeah for real...and its still the same now...

By cumcouplessa at 21,May,19 03:51 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here, I dont believe being high makes you bi, but fully agree it lowers your inhibitions, and gives you the courage required to fully enjoy bi sex.

By #588748 at 17,May,19 20:47
I think it lowers your inhibitions also, I think I just a sexual person,
By #64328 at 19,May,19 15:14
It certainly did for me

By WHATSUPDOC at 17,May,19 09:08 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Yeah I feel that way whenever I get high. Unfortunately I. Usually control my obsessive compulsions. But sometimes I go with it and never have regrets

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