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Image theft

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #560692 at 01,Jun,19 02:01
The image in this link - /fca44jkm6ea4pic.html
on this website does not belong to the poster of the image at all. I do know the girl in the image and she has been notified of this. The poster of this and many other pic that do not belong to them has though it wise to blacklist me in a vane attempt to censor and silence me. I am asking for the site administration to moderate this type of activity more closely as people who are not members here pictures are showing up on this website via this user.

Thank you.

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New Comment

By #551147 at 01,Jun,19 02:19
Just curious... Have you considered contacting Mr. Admin DIRECTLY? Here ➡️ /private_chat.php?w=1 He works as diligently as possible to stop those kinds of things from happening. Consider telling your friend not to let such photographs out of HER possession?
By #584076 at 01,Jun,19 02:43
Also... Can be reported!

By bella! at 01,Jun,19 03:26 other posts of bella! 
This member, mike6453 , was reported a couple of days ago by justinsider . His referral was vague, for the lack of a better term.

If memory serves me correctly, the reported member has 6 pages of pictures and justinsider's report was that 3 or 4 different people could be found within those pages. No specific pictures were tagged/presented.

justinsider contacted me, I suspect,
because he didn't like my NO ABUSE vote. And I also SUSPECT he didn't like that I ⁰didn't pour through 328 photos looking for difference in skin tones and/or body moles.
By #584076 at 01,Jun,19 03:47
Specifics are important!

By bella! at 01,Jun,19 12:59 other posts of bella! 
Looks like the member decided to delete the picture OR Mr. admin intervened.

Adult Discussion Forum