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Wife approving ur gay fantasy

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Started by #518526 at 06,Dec,19 12:25
Has anyone else talked to there wife about haveing a sexual encounter with another guy, and she completely saying " yea, go for it, I think it's hot, and if u want to try it I want u to try some cock." Then getting upset that u did it?

Similar topics: 1.MMF, how common is this fantasy?   2.Wife look-a-like   3.Wife with a bigger man?   4.Fantasy come true?   5.Favourite Wank Fantasy.  

New Comment

By Allalexallday at 19,Feb,20 13:55 other posts of Allalexallday 
My fiancee loves seeing me get turned on by a big fat cock. She knows how much I love a big hard cock in my mouth. I've showed her pictures of some of the dicks I've had. She's ok with it

By #608735 at 09,Jan,20 13:16
My wife knows I like guys and loves to hear about me being naked with other guys on the beach or at the sauna. It really turns her on!
By german_guy at 10,Jan,20 12:44 other posts of german_guy 
you are very lucky
By #608735 at 10,Jan,20 13:19
I know!

By #423426 at 08,Jan,20 08:50
I told my girlfriend, now my wife, the first few days we were together. We had a "clearing of the decks" from the start with our past, fantasies, likes and dislikes laid bare. She wasn't surprised or bothered to know that I also liked cock, maybe surprised I'd told her but that's all.

By #516354 at 11,Dec,19 08:56
Before I met my now ex wife I had had a few gay experiences but had not told her.We got into B.D.S.M with her being my Mistress.One day without me knowing she invited a Master to our house to show her some bondage techniques.To cut a long story short it ended up with me bent face down over a table with my wrists and ankles tied.The Master then had sex with her whilst I watched.When they had finished I had to clean her pussy and his cock.When he was hard again and to my surprise and delight and my ex wife's surprise and amusement he fucked me in the ass.Once he had left us I asked if we could do it again and we did it a couple of times with other Masters before she eventually left me.

By WHATSUPDOC at 07,Dec,19 02:21 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
That's terrible once they give you the green light it's a wrap

By #536019 at 06,Dec,19 18:32
My wife knows I'm bisexual, but she never wants to talk about my fantasies, and she definitely doesn't want me getting with men for sex... which I do occasionally anyway.
By SluttySarah069 at 06,Dec,19 22:30 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Sam here - my wife knows I'm Bi and that I cross dress. She also knows I've frequented adult cinemas dressed up and been to male saunas. She doesn't like the idea and doesn't like me going with other men. However, she accepts I'm what I am and has stuck with me.
By #518526 at 07,Dec,19 00:38
She told me to do it, she was downstairs in our room and I was upstairs. Had him come in and we just sucked and fucked each other. Was fun, and she was down with it, till she heard him come in. His cock is on my page.

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