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women wearing glasses

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Started by #591921 at 04,Feb,20 06:54
Ok guys I have a fetish and think women wearing glasses is very sexy. I want to know does anyone else have a fetish of women wearing glasses giving an awesome head job and having the end result plastered all over their face with glasses on. How many people find that hot I know I do.

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By HoneyLips at 04,Feb,20 07:31 other posts of HoneyLips 
I’ve seen lots of pics and videos along those lines.... The librarian/teacher/secretary.....
By #591921 at 12,Feb,20 03:56
I think Kat Timpf us one of the smartest,most beautiful,hot,sexy,talk show co-host ever in history. She is way hot. She wears her glasses as a gimmick she doesn't need them but she is so hot. She is in the Greg Gutfield show. She also reports for an online news outlet. However one thing that makes her smart and funny is the pessimistic view with humor she has about herself. Its just super hot when a beautiful woman can degrade herself and make oeople laugh. Once she said "Hint to guys out there,Never ever ever tell a woman you look really nice today. That would piss me off because that means that every other freaking day I have come in here looking like crap".

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