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Gloryhole setup advice

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Started by Cody13 at 16,Feb,20 23:06  other posts of Cody13
Kind of a two parter but any advice helps.
1. How do you actually build one? I’m trying to do just a hotel doorway bedsheet kind but can’t figure out how to get it to stay up? I’ve tried thumbtacks but maybe that’s not enough or I’m doing them wrong idk.
2. How do you get visitors? I was going to just throw something on CL and FB but idk. Help 🤣

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New Comment

By WHATSUPDOC at 28,Mar,20 05:53 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Just drill a hole diameter 1 1/2 to 2 inches in back door then make t like an arrow sign with insert here pointing to the hole. I guarantee you that you will be busy all morning,after work or dinner,and all night long. So rest up when you can. And Happy Cocksucking.

By #612667 at 12,Mar,20 04:56
Instead of bedsheet use curtain and thread it on 17 mm curtain rod and you can get ajustable fittings that go on either end of rod and they just wind out tight and hold the whole lot in place have look at hardware curtain rod standard wind out fittings are bathroom fittings so no drilling holes or nothing

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