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Hotel Window Sex

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Started by #580221 at 23,Feb,20 20:07
We've done it several times. Best one's are the rooms with large windows.... about 10 floors up or so. We've been seen but from a distance.

Similar topics: 1.window cleaner   2.Have you ever flashed your hard cock or wet pussy at anyone and where?   3.Annoying Window   4.Ever got a hotel room just to wank   5.Naked at a hotel  

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By t-rex at 25,Aug,24 01:33 other posts of t-rex 
Always love doing this at the beach, lights on, curtains and balcony door open

By SexIsLife at 14,Aug,24 19:15 other posts of SexIsLife 
I've got that experience in a hotel room. Fucking wife kept her unaware first. When I noticed a guy watching us from the window which is straight to our room. While she's in orgasm moment then I told her about that guy. She's became so shy, embarrassed and blushed like hell.

By shackles at 28,Feb,20 03:53 other posts of shackles 

Do balconies count?
By t-rex at 28,Mar,20 12:51 other posts of t-rex 
Yes, wish I was there too 😃

By #580221 at 09,Aug,24 19:09

By #463848 at 31,Dec,22 10:39
I remember passing a boarding house in north Wales many years ago. It had those big bay windows with the large central pane.

A couple were very close to the window with the girl sitting on the lap of of the man, facing him with his dick inside her. They were kissing but I dared not have stood and watched - it was just the vision of the mutual pleasure that has stayed in my memory.

By #580221 at 30,Dec,22 03:59
My wife and I love to have sex right next to the hotel window in Laughlin, NV The Aquarius... has large windows for plenty of view.

By #613866 at 25,Mar,20 21:03
I fucked wife in the second story window of a hotel. We were on the back side of the hotel, which faced a closed mall. I was taking her from behind and had her giant tits bouncing off the window while I kissed her. I noticed a guy in a security car parked and watching. I’m pretty sure he was jacking off. That was a great night.

By #612635 at 11,Mar,20 04:51
Love doing it! Last time was great! Wife and I were in 12 th floor sucking and fucking at night with room lit up and curtains wide open. There was a party going on at building across the street and we were their entertainment. Several party goers were watching us go at it and waving to us!

By #600270 at 23,Feb,20 20:10
Vegas, Bilaggio, eloped/honeymoon.

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