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Omg a lil embarrassing

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Started by #613556 at 23,Mar,20 16:45
So years ag I worked at a clothing store and was at work one on my knees cleaning when my boss eve and her hubby ted walked in. My boss eve being a bitch like usual ordered Ted to wait while she went into her office. I was still on my hands and knees cleaning the floor when Ted walked up to say hello that's when I looked up and was met with Ted's massive cock buldge in a pair of tight white jeans his big veiny cock looked like it was going to rip through I couldn't keep my eyes off it and he knew it he started flirting w me when his wife walked out to find me on my knees my eyes locked on her man's big cock bulge smiling flirting with him she blew up in the store I was so embarrassed Lol

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