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Embarrassing moments

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Started by #296159 at 26,Aug,12 19:16
Have u ever been in a verry embarrassing situation? (Caught wanking, havin erection in public ...)

Similar topics: 1.used dildo.   2.embarrassing ?   3.Fake Women!   4.Most Humiliating and or Embarrassing Moments?   5.Ever been caught wanking?  

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By #662360 at 29,Jan,23 17:55
Once in my twenties I was at a social evening at a neighbours house. There was a girl there who fancied me. We were all sitting round the room and she came and sat on my lap. She was a pretty blonde and she was in a thin dress.

To my horror that gave me a rock hard erection that she couldn’t have missed feeling drilling its way up into her soft bottom. She moved about a bit on my lap as if she knew I was having a boner for her and was teasing me.

The friction of her bottom on my shaft just made it worse for me and I jerked a load in my pants. Though I managed to stifle my grunt and my involuntary judder when I came I felt my face go red and she must have realised what had happened. I was so embarrassed.

She was very pretty but not my type and that was the closest I ever got with her. It was embarrassing but it was also nice!
By wycowboy at 30,Jan,23 14:43 other posts of wycowboy 
This reminded me of a similar situation I had about 15-20 years ago. The church I belonged to then had a young missionary that was helping in our youth group. She was about 19 and very well endowed. I would, on my day off, stop by the church office to see if there was any work that needed done. Another man, a friend, was in the habit of stopping in also.

Heather liked to come over and plop her ample ass in my lap and sit there for several minutes. Usually I could prevent the erection that wanted to arrive but one day I was just too horny to keep it at bay. The longer she sat there the harder it got. I know she could feel it, and just before I was ready to explode she got up and went to the bathroom.

We are still friends to this day but she now lives back in Nashville so we can only converse via Facebook. I asked her about that day once. She said she could feel my cock poking her ass and it got her very wet. When she got up she went to the bathroom to finger her cunt until she came. I then confessed that when I left I went a couple of blocks and pulled on my cock until I exploded. We laughed and wondered how it would have been if we had hooked up back then. Since, we have exchanged nude pics. She is still pretty hot.
By #662360 at 30,Jan,23 17:38
Nice experience! I certainly wanked lots thinking of the girl who sat on my lap. Though she wasn’t my type she was very pretty and had a good figure. She liked to wear thin dresses and in those days of miniskirts I saw her panties a few times. We lost touch long ago and I know she married some lucky guy.

By iluvcox at 12,Nov,22 07:38 other posts of iluvcox 
Back before I was driving my JO buddy was visiting me at my parents home and we started up in my bedroom. We were sixty nining on my bed ,sucking each other's cocks when we heard two of my other friends coming upstairs.They did'nt know about our shenanigans and it was quite a scramble to get dressed and composed before they came in the room.I answered the door kind of out of breath and face flushed. I don't know if they knew what was going on but I am sure the room smelled like dickbreath.

By Louis at 10,Nov,22 12:07 other posts of Louis 
Just about every time I get a physical I end up getting fully hard. It’s embarrassing but kind of hot at the same time.
By #514663 at 10,Nov,22 12:16
This happened to me once also. After I had to pull my pants down and he was examining my stomach. I could feel my erection growing and was really scared at the moment but super turned on after. I remember going home and jerking off thinking about it
By Louis at 11,Nov,22 11:40 other posts of Louis 
Yes, I’ve had some very good wank sessions after a physical, especially now that I’m over forty and my prostate gets checked!

By #682523 at 10,Nov,22 11:42
That was years ago. Vacation, hot and my shorts, tight and loose at the same time. I rode my bike in them because it was cooler and more comfortable that way. I would drop by the lot to relax in the shade of the trees. Once when I was sitting with my aunt I noticed that she was watching me closely but smiling at me and in fact at my shorts. I drifted off in my thoughts and didn't notice one thing.... My penis hardened like a rock, experienced a powerful erection and.... large patches of preejaculate appeared on my shorts. Really big ones. I didn't know what to do. I was very embarrassed.
By #662360 at 10,Nov,22 15:43
Reminds me of school sports swimming classes at my all boys school. We all wore school regulation dark blue speedo style swim trunks. The tight material clung to the outline of our sex kit like a second skin. Lots of times I’d have an erection seeing the near naked boys around me and knowing I’d probably be having some cock play later. I would get an erection and the thin cloth showing the outline of my shaft and cock head made it very obvious. I always got embarrassed even though I could see lots of other boys were in the same position.

By routemaster at 29,Aug,22 07:52 other posts of routemaster 
My late dad caught me wanking when I was about 15. He just smiled and walked away.
By LGA6969 at 29,Aug,22 12:19 other posts of LGA6969 
my dad caught me to. I was about 15 or 16 and lying naked in my bed. I threw my legs over my head and was jerking off and I was cumming into my mouth my dad walked into my bedroom. I nearly died of embarassment. After he just laughed to.

By #675771 at 29,Aug,22 01:54
My older bro had a mate with him, i asked him to sit hes wierd

By #655976 at 17,May,22 17:02
I’m a pig slut who will eat strangers assholes while people watching, I sucked cock to a total stranger in an xrated theater while guys jerking off to my show , and got pissed on by 3 guys at a nude beach In Miami while circled by a crowd. Pigs sluts don’t get embarrassed

By #662360 at 16,May,22 14:54
I was undressing my girl. She was down to her bra and panties, I was in my briefs. I was so rock hard erect and aroused from undressing her and foreplay in our underwear the friction of my briefs on my cock head set me off and I came in my briefs. My briefs were soaked and I was so embarrassed. That was the end of our fun for a while. But later we made up for it.
By #64328 at 17,May,22 13:35

By lillboybell at 16,May,22 05:00 other posts of lillboybell 
no bpxers forskin pulled back and in the shoping center i got an erection and as the tip rubed my pants my erection got harder and cumed in my pants at the store betwin people . this happened a few times

By #660539 at 12,May,22 15:59
Yes, when I was 13 my mother caught me jacking off while sniffing a pair of her panties from the hamper. When I saw her there, she looked for a few seconds and left. She never said anything about it to me.

By #652988 at 16,Oct,21 20:57
I'm never imbararresd

By PSerect at 20,Jun,21 11:08 other posts of PSerect 
Going thru Ft Meyers airport, security flagged me at the baggage scanner and these two female security officers grabbed my bag and directed me to follow them into a plexiglass room set up in the middle of the scanners. Another Male security officer was already there waiting. I stood on one side of a long table and the security folk on The other and they started taking things out of my bag and laying them on the table. I was so embarrassed because my bag was full of sex toys as I was coming from Fantasy Fest in Key West, the plexiglass room was clear so everyone going through security could see, and they kept asking me to confirm each toy was mine as they pulled them out of my bag. This whole episode lasted over 10 minutes, Sooo Embarrassed.
By tb1 at 20,Jun,21 12:36 other posts of tb1 
fucking arseholes

By #631189 at 17,Jun,21 22:07
Once when I was 16 and I went to the doctors with my mum (!) suffering from foreskin problems.
And the second was when I was naked on a bed in hospital about six years later being examined before a hernia operation. The doctors walked out and left the door open leaving me lying there with my pants around my ankles

By Lvphose at 17,Jun,21 12:05 other posts of Lvphose 
I’ve had a pantyhose and nylon fetish forever it seems. I discovered it when they were dog sitting for a friend of mine when I was about 11-12 years old I fed & let out a friends dog while they were on vacation I started looking through his mom‘s dresser drawer and found her pantyhose. So I started rubbing them on my cock in wasn’t long before I got hard and came. Next time I went over to check on the dog I put them on and rubbed my cock and balls through the pantyhose again getting hard and coming. That’s how it all began. But I hadn’t found a gal girlfriend who understood this fetish and would indulge me. In 1990 I turned to a phone sex line to act out on my pantyhose fetish because after all you’re paying so they’ll go along whatever turns you on. I did have a live in girlfriend at the time that I hadnt shared my fetish with yet and one time I was on the phone since she was gone and they had me put on pantyhose and talk dirty to me why pleasuring myself and unbeknownst to me my girlfriend came home walk down the hall into the bedroom where I was jerking in my pantyhose saw me she was shocked to say the least and a little pissed because she wasn’t sure whoever is on the other end of the phone. That was pretty embarrassing to me being in my pantyhose, jerking off on the phone sex line being caught by a live in girlfriend!

By #637531 at 10,Mar,21 18:34
When I was much younger and I didn't have a phone, I'd sometimes use my mom's phone to search for porn. And once, she walked in on me with her phone in my hand. She didn't catch me in the 'act', but I wasn't allowed to be on her phone, so she was upset at that. Anyways, she tried to snatch it away, but I still had certain sites open in the tabs, and I needed to clear all the history. So here I am, running around the room screaming "JUST GIVE ME ONE SECOND!" while my mom is chasing me trying to get her phone back. Needless to say it was a very awkward scenario. What's worse however is that even though I cleared the browsing history, I forgot to clear the google search history. So she found what I was looking at anyways.

By #610901 at 16,Feb,20 20:51
Was early 20’s. First marriage breaking up. Went to,visit an Old GF where she was going to college. We went for a hike down this creek and strarted to make out . She pulled my pants down and started sucking me. My boner s a good 8” . She sucked me off and I shot my wad on her tits. Then I was licking them off when she giggled and I noticed a group of hiker watching. She held my dick, still hard to show it off to,them . I was embarrassed.
By #637485 at 09,Mar,21 20:42
This sounds eerily familiar

By Pantyhose1 at 04,Mar,21 07:58 other posts of Pantyhose1 
I actually got busted on this website at work. This girl found my phone and started going through it.... she saw me wearing pantyhose and heels and she saw my penis. I had to quit
By #633353 at 04,Mar,21 15:14
Ohhh... that's too bad. None of her business to be going thru your phone...
By Pantyhose1 at 04,Mar,21 17:48 other posts of Pantyhose1 
Your right. I have never been so embarrassed before. She didn’t mind me wearing pantyhose and she did still try talking to me but I was way to embarrassed.

By #636792 at 02,Mar,21 20:40
Two years ago I had finished working on the deck out the backdoor. I decided that since I had hung privacy material I would lay out and soak up some sunshine. So I took off my clothes and lay down on the outdoor rug we have out on the deck. I got an erection and soon I was jacking off and about to cum when I heard a drone fly overhead. It landed on the edge of my roof and I slowly reached for the nail gun while continuing to beat off. My dick felt hard as steel and I came on my chest and stomach jumped up and shot the drone with the nailer and broke one of its impellers. It fell at my feet. Who ever was at the other end of it kept trying to get it to take off. I yelled out "if you want your drone back prove to me you have no video or pics of me and I will think about it" too which I heard a female voice say"ok" but that was the most exotic thing I've seen give me a minute to finish my self off" she came to my front door about ten minutes later and I answered the door nude and hard. She took one look got on her knees and sucked me off. She gave me the chip and said that's everything. I gave her the drone and closed the door.
By #633353 at 04,Mar,21 15:15
That is a good story, but it stretches credibility....
By #636792 at 04,Mar,21 17:43
It really did happen.

By Sir-Skittles at 04,Mar,21 13:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan was seen by many people taking a slash out his bedroom window. This was observed on Skype. What a hillbilly!

By #589016 at 15,Feb,21 21:05
When my buddies older sis and her 4 freinds made me and my buddy show them our cocks, my buddies cock was big and mine was tiny and hairless, i was 16 and had a baby cock...i didnt wanna show them my cock but my buddy had his out already and pulled down my oants. The girls laughed at me and teased me.

By dickswanger at 20,Jul,20 02:37 other posts of dickswanger 

By #591921 at 25,Jun,20 21:29
Way back when I was with my sons mother I got home one day after a very hot day working outside and my lady wasn't home. So I stripped and hopped in the shower and took a good cool shower and cleaned up and washed my hair just took a very good shower. I was a rough plumber so I worked putting plumbing in slabs before the concrete got poured. Once I got out of the shower and dried off I walked up the hallway and turned the ac temp down a couple of degrees. Then I stepped in the living room but I hadn't gotten dressed at all yet. I turned on the tv because the news was about to come on. Just then the door opened up and it swung in. So I figured it was my lady because I saw her car in the driveway so I walked toward the door to see if she had like groceries or something she might need help with. Well I was about Five feet from the door and my mother in law stepped in the door and she looked directly at .my cock and she said ohhhh my goodness I didn't expect this kind of greeting and she chuckled a bit. Well I figured its to late she already got an eyeful so I just turned around and walked back toward the hall not in a hurry. She then said wow this is better than Chippendales dancers haha. My lady walked in and saw me walking across the living room naked and busted out laughing. I went and put some shorts on and walked back into the living room and her mom said well I guess its obvious exactly why my daughter feel in live with you huh. We laughed about it but that woman loved me to death before she died. It was a pretty embarrassing situation though. Once more my lady was gone out with her girlfriends and I feel asleep naked on the couch and when she came home her girlfriends all saw me laying there and do my lady played with my cock a bit me still asleep and got me very hard for her friends to see. Then I woke up and she said I thought I would embarrass you really good for my friends if your going to sleep naked in the couch. Her friends were all standing there just watching. So I just said well dint stop. She said what? I said don't stop keep going. She said your not going to run hide I mean they are looking at your hard cock. I stood up and stuck my cock in her face stroking it. And I said if your going to get it hard your going to finish it. Two of her girlfriends left two more said well he does have a point once you get a guy hard you have to make him cum or its just a tease. So she said what are you daring me they both said yeah we dare you. So she said your living this aren't you. I said not until its in your mouth. She sucked me off while her friends watched and then said ok now go get dome shorts on. I smiled and walked to the bedroom.

By #591921 at 23,Jun,20 04:10
Well I never really had enough modesty to be so embarrassed before so growing up and all I rarely got embarrassed. However just before the virus or the kung-flu hit I went for a walk to exercise my hip after this bad wreck I have to regain strength and flexibility. Well I also have to wear compression pants to stop cramps and not bring modest no underwear and no shorts over the pants. Well I finished my walk and went to the coffee shop to have a cup. Well I'm in a college town and these hot coeds sat at the table next to mine. Its been a very very long time since I've had sex but I usually have great control hell I'm over 50 so I usually have great control. Well these girls were really wicked ass hot,absolutely beautiful girls. They were wearing pretty much see thru yoga pants and sports bras and I couldn't look away because it was like sitting next to two naked hot young models more ir less I could see right thru their sweaty exercise clothing. So I noticed the girls stopped talking and i looked at them and they were staring at my crotch. I looked and noticed I had probably the hardest erection I've had probably in years. It was full very very hard and so hard it was pulsating and the girls only about five feet from me had full view of my throbbing cock. Also I was wearin my under armor brand and the crotch is perforated so with my erection they are pretty much transparent so they were just staring right at my hard throbbing cock. Well I drank my coffee down pretty fast I wasn't really to worried that these two girls saw it and I figured it would go down in just a few minutes but I was sooo wrong. It got worse. It started jumping and the head flaring and the girls giggled and one even I heard her say thats a nice cock and its pierced too do you see it. Well once she said that I figured I may as well leave because honestly I just needed to go stroke one out. Well I stood up and me a 50ish guy with a very hard erection had to walk back to the counter to drop off my cup and out the door. On the way I had to walk past a line of college girls and a few professional folks with this super hard on. So I walked to the counter gave the girl my cup and down the line I walk with each woman just staring at my hard very visible cock in these super tight pants turning to watch as I walked out. I was so excited by the time I got to my truck I had to back up under a shade tree and just jack off. The girls that had been sitting next to me ironically also were parked two spots away from me and no car was between us,so I'm sure they knew exactly what I was doing as they got in their car to leave. Hell they nigh have even got a glance at it too while I stoked it up but by then I did not care one bit in the world. They could have opened my door and I would have kept right on without missing one stroke. But I finally blew one and got on my way. That was pretty embarrassing to be a guy this old and have hot college girls watch me walk by them with a rock hard cock just pointing at them.

By #514663 at 22,Jun,20 21:53
I got an erection once in front of the Dr. I was naked accept for a gown and he had to examine me. I remember laying down on the table and him pulling the gown up exposing all of me. He slowly pushed on my stomach and moved his hands down my waste. Not sure why but the sensation made me get a raging erection right in front of him. Nothing was said about it though but I felt rather embarrassed

By #589692 at 01,Jun,20 18:39
When I lived with my parents my dad had no since of privacy in the bathroom. I was usually never seen nude by him or always got embraced. He would barge in the bathroom while I showered to use the toilet and sometimes I’d wait and wait for him to finish. Or if we were in a hurry he would wait for me to get out so he could hop right in. Even as an adult it’s still embracing being seen naked by my dad. He doesn’t know I have a fully hairy body now just like him. I’m hoping I can be comfortable being nude around him. I want him to see my chest hair just like his. Should I just tell him one day? Hey dad I have chest hair like you?

By #378339 at 16,Jun,13 16:21
Hey all new to the site but I recently had a pretty mortifying experierence.

I was sitting in a parking lot a few months ago waiting for a shop I was a regular at to open. The lot is secluded and I was parked facing the only entrance to the lot so I felt safe to unzip and rub a little. I got hard and was stroking while pretty focused on my phone when out of nowhere the store owner approached my car (he'd been in the store which is why I never saw a car pull in). He had come out bc he recognized my car and was going to let me in.

He got within a few feet of my car before I saw him and I'm certain he saw what I was doing. I quickly zipped, exchanged hellos, and told him I that I needed to run another errand. I pulled out and never returned
By Blade at 01,Dec,14 03:37 other posts of Blade 
yikes, I feel your pain.
By #606576 at 01,Jun,20 12:26
Wasn't your morning I would guess.

By onthelose at 24,Feb,20 04:57 other posts of onthelose 
Isn't it sad that you were made to feel embarrassed about something so natural. I am sure he jacks off to. Well, maybe he didn't care, he was just caught off guard.
By #610414 at 01,Jun,20 12:41
[deleted image] that happened to this lady

By #612798 at 11,Mar,20 05:33
I remember I was about ten my sister friends wanted to see a cock cum four of them my sis made five so I did they where so happy and horny so I tried fucking the red head wouldn’t fit so I spit and shoved the others watch I was so excited I told them to grasp my balls tight I cured so hard it rolled out

By Lookingtosee at 04,Mar,20 17:05 other posts of Lookingtosee 
I was in my 20s a friend of mine was house sitting for his sister for a week. It was a great week ended up staying there all week.on the last day we hung out and went to bed she was to return by noon the next the morning we woke up and knowing we only had a few hours left to ourselves we had sex. After we took a shower together then went downstairs ate and was watching tv about 20 minutes later his sister walked downstairs and told us with a big smile she got home late in the morning. The guest room is right next to her room she heard us having sex

By #485312 at 23,Feb,20 08:57
only registered users can see external links

By #610811 at 17,Feb,20 08:11
Had my sexy, sexy ass ex gf riding me and climax snuck up on me. I pushed her off of me right before I SHOT a load right over my shoulder. I couldnt stop there though. We went for round two that night and she got me again..this time my beard took the full force load on my chin.....

By leopoldij at 15,Feb,20 19:42 other posts of leopoldij 
One embarrassing moment this week, for the candidate as a Parisian mayor, Benjamin Griveaux, ally of the conservative president Macron, was when a video clip of him masturbating was leaked. He then withdrew his candidacy. only registered users can see external links

The funny, but completely expected thing, was that this guy was all for traditional family values and other super conservative shit. However, he had, besides his wife, a mistress and his was exchanging pics and vids. In fact, he had send the leaked video with his dick to her.

The most "unethical" people are those who promote "morality". The people who break the law first are the once who talk about it a lot. The worst criminals are those who talk about justice. And so on. lol
By new2day at 16,Feb,20 12:39 other posts of new2day 
Haven't there been a number of televangelists caught in compromising positions? Not exactly practicing what they preach.
By leopoldij at 16,Feb,20 13:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Most of them, if not all, are like that. Three only reason they preach is to make money and have more sex.

But the problem is with the millions of idiots who follow them and support them financially and otherwise.

By #486048 at 15,Feb,20 23:40
i was caught having a wank

By #552250 at 15,Feb,20 18:24
Got in touch with a married man on fabguys and went around to his place for sex, his wife was out of town and his daughter was at school. We soon got naked and began a hot session, he was fucking me on the couch when his daughter walks in on us we never heard the door open! Needless to say I left quickly

By #576878 at 14,Jan,19 21:36
I had been caught anal masturbating. I lived with my brothers family and I found his wife's sex toys.She had anal beads, buttplug, dildo, and two moving vibrators.One day I was alone at home and so horny. So I went to her drawer picked her white sexy panties and her vibrator as well.Went downstairs to my bed. Put porno on, her panties on myself and turned vibrator on. Started fucking my asshole with it and felt great.Then I started riding her vibrator while jerking my dick with one hand. Three minutes passed and I turned my head to see his wife standing besides me with a surprised face. I did t hear her coming and she watched me for a few minutes. I got under a blanket quickly,telling her sorry.He laughed a little telling me feels good yeah? Then she said to put her panties to washing and clean her toy when I am finished.I was so embarrased and Red faced under a blanket. She left and I took off her panties, dropped to washing and cleaned her vibrator as well.Brought the toy back to her and asked not to tell anyone. She just smiled.
By 2nice at 14,Jan,19 21:51 other posts of 2nice 
Do you actually expect anyone to believe this fantasy rubbish?
By bella! at 15,Jan,19 22:17 other posts of bella! 
Geez, 2nice, the original poster must have felt some embarrassment when you called BULLSHIT on his post. BAM! 24 hours later he is outta here!
By 2nice at 17,Jan,19 17:53 other posts of 2nice 

By galaxy123 at 01,Dec,18 23:27 other posts of galaxy123 
growing up my family were naturists. this story is about getting hard on the beach as a teen.

Once again we planned to go to France in the summer but this time I would go early and stay with my friend and his family who were traveling down early. The family were fellow naturists and old family friends whom my parents had met years ago before I was born.

This brings me onto the issue of how you deal with erections in a naturist environment?

As a hormone packed teen who was going through puberty I found I had little or no control over my penis, as soon as the sun and wind hit my bare genitals I would get hard.

The first morning at the resort I had no control at all and as soon as we got to the beach my penis got hard and was waving around like a young tree in the wind. Erect it was near enough 5 inches and difficult to conceal. In our small group my penis stood out quite literally, My friend james had a quite large thick uncut dick that looked tanned and relaxed in the sun. His dads was on the small side but really thick with a long overhanging foreskin. His deep tan gave him a classic european naturist beach look. As we stood around talking they looked relaxed and cool while my dick looked like an angry white stick that pointed at people and made them look. It got in the way frankly.

My friends family were great and did their best to ignore it and say nothing but they could see it was making me feel uncomfortable. that evening both my friend and his parents told me not to worry and that I would get used to it.

Next morning Marie, my friends mum and I carried the stuff to the beach while the others went to the supermarket. Again it was the same story, as soon as we got outside my dick was up. For the first time in my life I was feeling a little embarrassed on a naturist beach as I strode along the beach with a ragging hard on alongside a quite attractive older naked lady.

As we got to a suitable spot and set up camp she made a startling suggestion. As I mentioned earlier she was rather attractive without being beautiful, she was mid 40s, on the short side with a good tan, her breasts were a good size but gravity had taken its toll and they drooped down her chest, her nipples were dark, hard and pointed up slightly. She had blonde hair but the collars and cuffs did not match as she kept a small strip of dark pubic hair above a shaved vagina that had large protruding labia that were clear for all to see.

She came and sat next to me and said something along the lines of"¦'This erection business, I am going to go for a swim but why don't you have a quick wank and see if that gets rid of your stiffy'? As she got up and walked slowly off towards the water I thought it not a bad idea. It was early and not too many people about so I moved off the mat and knelt down next to where the dunes and the clumps of grass started towards the back of the beach, only a few feet from where we had made camp. I scooped a little trench out to cum in. Had a quick look around and there were not too many people close by so off I went at a great rate of knots furiously shuffling my right hand back and forth in an effort to cum quickly before too many people saw me and to see if this idea would do the trick. It can't have been more than a minute or two later when I could feel the urge and I pressed on bashing my balls back and forth when a drop or two of cum was followed by 3 or 4 spurts of semen that seemed to roll up as they hit the sand. I slowed the pace and just as I was finishing I looked up to see Marie looking straight down at me. She can't have been there long but long enough to see the result and climax. She said with a smile ' that should do the trick, fancy a swim?

By #573046 at 01,Dec,18 20:12
When I was a young teenager around 14 I had a good friend and jerk buddy.We were jerking each other a lot of times and one evening we decided to jerk ourselves, while his mom was in a next room.So we stroke each other happily, laugh and when orgasm was not far we started to breath heavily and moan to each other.So just before orgasm we didn't thinked and said to each other that we are cumming.So just as I started shooting cum his mom came in and saw my dick in her son's hand getting covered with cum.So does he.She started to scream , I pulled my pants and went out of his home.His mom never let him meet me again.

By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:51 other posts of leopoldij 
I got caught , by my gf, masturbating to the pic of Chinese fuck buddy
[deleted image]
She just laughed
By #485312 at 25,Nov,18 03:06
fuck you Leo, you crack me up, lve been in fits of laughter this morning. l dare you tomorrow to delete this picture and leave a gaping cavernous hole in the universe. one that we will all be sucked into like a black hole .. lve always wanted to see what a gaping black hole would look like.. *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Nov,18 07:24 other posts of leopoldij 
How dare you laugh at my mishaps?
I'm not going to take the pic down.
On the contrary, I'm gonna leave it there and gonna fuck that pussy again.
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 15:55
at a boy, lollipop,,,i still think she needs some ahhhhh, grooming?? maybe a "doo"?
By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 20:14 other posts of leopoldij 
What's a doo?
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 20:26
Hair style
By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 20:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Ah, ok. Well, she's not my gf or anything, just a friend with benefits. So I'm not going to bring grooming up. I don't want to lose her.

By #572769 at 26,Nov,18 11:02
Received a handjob and cummed over my exs bestfriend and Her **** did a messy job ... and got caught cleaning my dick in the bathroom by her damn mother... she didn't like me at that moment😂

By #544423 at 13,Nov,18 22:11
got caught fucking a girl in a corner of the library at school....two girls in another class saw us and told a bunch of ppl so everybody knew. also got caught fucking a girl in the garage at her parents house...i had just shot my load in her when her **** came in. had to bribe him not to tell her parents. both incidents happened when i was 16
By #554098 at 25,Nov,18 08:08
The best place to love a willing, hot woman is deep in the 'stacks,' the basement, with just lines of books, everywhere! Places that most don't go! I loved a few in the deep, dark, isles of books at Stanford!! I love the smell of old books, almost as much as i love the smell of her!!
Never caught, and did it maybe a dozen times!!

By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 00:24
I had some embarrasing moments like got caught naked in bed with my erection stroking.My mom came in my room and saw my hard dick clearly.I got embarased so, does she ran out of my room.Other time my **** walked in me at the shower and saw me naked jrking my dick.Another time I borrowed panties and vibrator from my lonely aunt and later she walked in on me , wearing her panties and anally masturbating with her dildo.That was embarasing and she asked to clean her sex toy afterwards.

By #571440 at 13,Nov,18 11:20
my guy's daughter walked in on me sucking her dad. I still today get messages from her asking if I liked her dads cum!?

By #568296 at 13,Nov,18 10:16
My neighbour caught me sucking my friends cock.

By #571688 at 12,Nov,18 03:26
I was.I lived with my brothers family and I found that his wife have vibrator and a dildo.She wasn't home so I borrowed vibrator to masturbate anally.I grabbed her white sexy panties too.So I was wearing her panties and was lying on the side sliding vibrator in and out my ass, when suddenly she comes home and finds me with her stuff.She asks me if that feels good and I just nod.Then she tells me clean the toy after I finish and goes upstairs.From that day she knew I like play with my ass and wear woman underwear.

By #541336 at 09,Sep,17 00:31
A friend and I were jacking off together and he's older cousin walked in on us, he made us suck he's cock as blackmail...was quite enjoyable however

By #455846 at 30,Jul,17 13:06
back in school in the locker/change room. some idiot guy said to me, while we were getting changed to go play baseball "stop walking around trying to show of your little willy". I wasn t very confident in general back then.

Then there was the time in junior school (long before the above situation). We were changing after swimming and often with a wet Speedo on, I used to struggle to untie the 'bow' holding it up around the waste. One day I got my penis stuck in the bow. And it was tricky to undo and the more I tried the more it swelled. Obviously. I ended up being last in the change room. With it still stuck. The teacher had walked in to check everyone is ok, but she hadn't noticed me as I turned away from her, obviously because I felt embarrassed. But I guess she new I was struggling as she could see I was taking a wile and probably guessed what had happened. Then when every one had gone out she came back in and shouted to me "why are you taking so long, we re all waiting". Then she noticed what I was doing and shouted " is it stuck". I heard everyone laugh outside the change room. She proceeded to help but she couldn't t get it undone very easily. The bow had caught my penis in as I had tried in a bit of a hurry to get my Speedo off. She had short finger nails. But eventually she did get it undone, it felt like it had taken hours. She did say in the process, "why s it getting bigger"? .

By phart at 28,Jul,17 14:28 other posts of phart 
Well may as well tell it,

If you read my blog "what would you do?" you know my ,now former, girlfriend tried suicide about a year ago. She is in a lock down facility for brain damaged folks and is about to be transferred to a even more restrained facility. Anyhow, 1 day about 5 months ago I went to the nursing home to visit her. Right there at the nurses station she said, "when are we going to have sex?,I haven't had sex in a long time"

I am not exactly a "sexy" guy. I am hunched over from a back injury and walk with a limp and have a belly. And there was about 4 nurses there that heard it.They all looked at me up and down and then looked at her and shook their heads in wonderment. She is the most active in the place.Most are crippled up Alzheimer victims. And here she is basically saying,"when are we going to fuck?" I couldn't fuck in that place if you used duct tape and pop sickle sticks to hold up "little willy".

By #536913 at 27,Jul,17 06:51
Older girl in highschool spent every gym class trying to get me hard in front of all the girls. It worked and now at least two classes of girls know how big I am.

By gazlittlewilly at 26,Nov,14 08:06 other posts of gazlittlewilly 
I've always been embarrassed about the small size of my dick. At school I always used to keep it hidden in the locker room after playing sports.

However, one day after playing rugby I'd just showered and was drying off. I was doing the usual thing of keeping the towel around me, covering my bits at all times. I know you've all seen guys doing this!

Anyway, one of my 'buddies' came over to me and pulled away my towel, leaving me standing there stark naked.

Whilst my dick is pretty small at the best of times, being cold, wet, naked, embarrassed, and after the physical exersions of the game, it was tiny. My 'buddy', seeing my shrunken and wrinkled member, then shouts out "He's got a little maggot between his legs!"

I was mortified!
By #493361 at 27,Jul,17 03:10
Wow! I've always managed to keep my little ****

By leopoldij at 27,Jul,17 06:38 other posts of leopoldij 
I hope you didn't keep him as buddy, this was an asshole behaviour

By #519017 at 27,Jul,17 06:11
My girl and I were slowly undressing each other for sex. I was down to my briefs and she was in her bra and panties. I had a rock hard erection and I was hot from kissing and feeling her. My cock was so sensitive that the rubbing of my briefs on my penis head brought me to a cum in my briefs! So I got a big wet patch on my briefs instead of filling her. I was so embarrassed. We made up for it later!

By #88520 at 27,Jul,17 02:58
I've had quite a few awkward erections. The most embarrassing was during military training, when the training officers barged into our room early the first morning and urged us all to get right out of bed and line up. Of course I had a full on morning hard-on and knew the flimsy underwear I was in wouldn't hide it at all.

Tried so hard to think away, but I'm pretty sure it was pretty damn visible when I finally had to take my place beside the bed. Just trying to act like nothing at all was going on down there and avoiding eye contact with everyone

By #516354 at 27,Jul,17 02:23
One of my most embarrassing moments was when my ex wife(also my Mistress)took us dogging for the first time.When we arrived there was several cars there and my ex ordered me out of the car and told me to strip.Standing there naked except for my cock cage was very embarrassing.Even more embarrassing and humiliating was having to watch and video my ex whilst she was having sex with all the guys whilst she and them made comments on how small my cock was and how I could not satisfy her.

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