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How to get my friend to take it further

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Started by #575802 at 10,Apr,20 09:53
I stroke my cock with him one time together ever since I’ve just done it a ton by my self right in front of him and he stares while pretending to watch his phone. How can I get him to play with each Others

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By #614908 at 10,Apr,20 10:02
Make sure he is enjoying, or or not just sitting there really not interested. Make noises, make sure you're being as erotic as you can, then try bringing up his cock, how good like, "is yours this big" or something to think/talk about/or touching his cock. Then just make it known you want him to join you, to drain eachother?
By #575802 at 10,Apr,20 10:48
One of his slutty girls we tag teamed sent me a pic of him with her strap on is his mouth and she told me that he made her act like me and that he was sucking his best friends cock. So since then I make it a point every time we get a little buzzed and stay lone with each other to just pull it out and stroke it.. he’s said shit occasionally like if he noticed me fucking his pocket pussy really good he said “damn deep stroking that thing huh? Gonna shoot ur load in my pussy that I gotta use”
By #614908 at 10,Apr,20 10:51
Then you could bring up helping or showing you some eye candy to speed it up or something similar

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