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Possibly a bi guy

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Started by rotax30 at 21,Apr,20 17:07  other posts of rotax30
I'm a man.I have a friend that likes touching me alot,he'll even reach over when no one is around or looking and squeeze one of my nipples.Do you think he might be bi?Dropping little hints.

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New Comment

By #513416 at 23,Apr,20 10:05
I think I would be like you.
You want the attention but like me are scared what would happen if you took it further.
I am presuming looking at your page, you have a female partner.
You are scared like I would be if she found out what would happen.
I would go for it ,but only if it 'accidently happened 'Is there any way you can be on your own with him without it looking set up.?
If so then I would happily but scarily go for it.
Have fun .

By #536019 at 21,Apr,20 18:47
No, not little hints. Probably BIG hints. When his hand strays to your crotch, you'll know for sure. Spread your legs a bit the next time he goes touchy-feely on you.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

If he wanted to suck your cock, would you let him?
By rotax30 at 22,Apr,20 10:35 other posts of rotax30 
I don't know.Never gave it a thought.Hes 22yrs.old,I'm 30 yrs.older.
By #292697 at 22,Apr,20 12:48
He might just be having fun but if he grabs your cock then u know might want to slap him on the ass when he grads your nipple

By DJS at 23,Apr,20 05:32 other posts of DJS 
Completely agree with you,pinching your nipple doesn't mean anything, as the poster said he 22yr could be a little bit immature,but yes if he brushed your crotch a couple off time then Yes..

By cumcouplessa at 23,Apr,20 04:35 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Next time he pinches your nipple, tell him that turns you on. If he's keen, he'll most likely ask you to show him. If he does, simply whip out your beautiful cock and feed the poor guy. He's probaly hungry, and its the least you can do if he's a good friend .

By #611458 at 22,Apr,20 16:20
I guess the real question is....How do you react when he touches you and squeezes you nipple? Maybe your reaction is encouraging to him for the possibilty that you are enjoying m2m things and hoping you will give him the go ahead.
By german_guy at 22,Apr,20 18:07 other posts of german_guy 

By german_guy at 21,Apr,20 19:26 other posts of german_guy 
Nothing wrong with that as Long u both have fun, give it a try
By #611458 at 22,Apr,20 16:21

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