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Shave or not

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Started by #615968 at 28,Apr,20 06:42
Should i shave or not currently 7-3 to shave first to 20 win

Similar topics: 1.To shave or not to shave, that is the question? people who shave shave or not to shave   4.Why do guys shave their pubes ? shave or not to shave ?  

New Comment

By Robben at 28,Apr,20 07:01 other posts of Robben 
Hello my friend, explain what you mean about the figures? ” currently 7-3 to shave first to 20 win” = ?
By #615968 at 28,Apr,20 07:37
7 votes for me to shave it off 3 to leave it which ever get to 20 first is final result

Adult Discussion Forum